This is a really messed up world



  • @nicoleok87 Yeahh I looked a lot different but I never had a gut or anything. I just had a big butt boobs and thick thighs. I was thick lol now when I look back I didn't look bad. I wore a size 5. I wear a 0 size now. Honestly im more disgusted with how skinny I am now. I have longgggg legs that look like toothpicks now and my neck and face are very defined.. like my collar bone. My ribs don't stick out or anything but I get looked at weird now. Im even more self conscious now .. I guess ill never be happy. Lol

    @salasmommy I naturally shrunk my stomach. I cut all my meals in half and ate a lot of chicken. Nothing fried. Plus I would exercise. Nothing extreme lol I don't have time for that. I would go run/jog a mile once a week and just do some crunches at night like 3 times a week. You just have to watch what you eat. I lost all that weight in a year.
  • @shaniam I got a notification. What's your comment?
  • @kara_lamek that is so awesome!
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