I can't do this anymore

I can't be a mother. I'm 5 weeks postpartum, and everythings been getting to me now. I have no help. My bd is lazy and wont help me with the baby. The baby has colic, and when he screams i get really frustrated and cry. I just dont feel like i can do this. The first few weeks weren't that bad, but now its starting hit me. I've always gotten depressed, but not like this. I dont even have the desire to want to breastfeed my own child when hes hungry.

Im afraid someones going to take him from me if i dont get help asap.

Will midwife give me medication for my depression or will she referre me to someone else? My 6 week postpartum check up is on monday...i just hope i can make it until then. =/


  • Just hold on, sweetie. I'll be having my first baby in 9 days, so I don't know what you're going through, but I can imagine it's very difficult and frustrating. I'm glad you reached out for our help.... It shows that you really are strong. You *can* do this, you just have to keep telling yourself that. At least until monday when you can talk to your midwife. If you feel she hasn't been helpful enough for you, it's okay to seek outside help. Ask for a reference if you have to. Have you ever taken medication for depression?
  • Yes u need to ask for professional help
    they wont take ur baby. I will say a prayer. It will get easier
  • @ericak22 I promise it does get easier. Those first few months are very hard. Especially when your sleep deprived. You can get through it and you will soon find out how rewarding it is to be a mom. Your bd is probably always going to be lazy, but he might become more help once your baby becomes more interactive. Definitely talk to your midwife. If she can't help you she should be able to direct you to someone who can.
  • Also, maybe your baby is allergic to something in your breast milk. You could maybe try a formula for sensitive tummy. That might help with the colic. Talk to your Dr about that too. Ill be praying for you and your baby.
  • As long as you don't have thoughts of harm they wont take your baby. I personally have never gotten ppd but a good friend has it extremely bad and she's on meds. Everything will be okay. Can you stay with your mom or a friend till Monday?
  • I know exactly what your going through. Both my kids were very colic. My first I had to put on soy formula which stopped the colic right away. My son now I bfeed but I had to change my diet. REMEMBER IT WILL GET BETTER. If its that bad I suggest trying the soy. A lot of babies cant handle dairy. And you bd should be ashamed of himself!
  • Your feelings are normal. Being a mom is very frustrating! I was a single mom and thankfully my mom helped me out. There were times when all she did was burp my son and that was enough to get me to stop crying. It's overwhelming that you are the sole caretaker of your baby. They say put the baby in a safe place and go in the next room for a few mins. Even if the baby cries. I would take a second calm myself and come back refreshed and the baby can sense the positive change and most of the time he would fall asleep giving me an hour to myself :) it gets better and asking for help proves you can do it! Your putting your babies meds over your own pride. A great quality for a mommy to have! Good luck! You can do it!
  • babies needs not babies meds*
  • @mythica ive always been too ashamed to ask my dr for depression medication. I was very depressed during my pregnancy as well. I really didnt think it was so hard, but i wrong.

    @texamama3x i really do hope it gets better. I love my son to death, but its draining me mentally doing this by myself. Bd claims he'll help me throughout the day all the time, but he leaves to go be with his friends. Im giving my son Similac sensitive, and it helps, but i think the gas makes his tummy hurt so he screams all the time.

  • make sure he don't have reflux or lactose intolerance. I tried gripe water, it helps.

    Ask for medication, at least for a month or two. They won't take your baby, and you will feel normal again.
  • Dont be embarrassed, they hear it all the time. They ask about it for a reason. I wasn't embarassed cuz my MIL had depression and my fam was really open about it. Its very common. Get the script! I wouldn't wish this depression on my worst enemy and the meds changed my life.
  • I used gentlease when i stopped BF...you may even need to go soy.
  • edited August 2011
    @ericak22 Sweetheart I dnt knw how spiritual u are but 1st I wud get n a quiet place and have a talk with God. Ask him to lead and guide u thur this. Also go ahead n call ur dr office today dnt wait for your appt monday. Maybe they will call u something in. im praying for u lady!
  • My son was the same way love and I put him on prosobee and so far all is great. Take time out for a really good cry and just let it all out. Everything will. Be okay. I was so depressed after I had my last baby cause I lost my job while on maternity leave. I have no friends or family around here to help me. I have 4 other kids to take care of. And I was upset that I got my tubes tied and that the weight wasn't falling off like I wanted. I started taking time for me and excerising every morning and walking everynight and now I'm doing better. Talk to your doctor about all of this. I also did that to welllll my doc asked how things were going and I just broke down and cried. It felt great. Lol.
  • go take a hot shower and ball ur eyes out. thats what I done and it helped alot.. also if ur willing to pay a lil to help the colic, there is this stuff called colic calm. u can order it online. I got it ok'd before I used it. it really helped. I made a post about it.. I felt the same way when she had colic but its so much better now that she is calm
  • Hang in there! I had ppd, no one can truly understand it until they go thru it. Can you ask your family for help? And don't be afraid to talk to your Dr. I was scared of having my daughter taken away from me too, but the Dr was so helpful. I got on meds, and recruited family, and things have turned around. My love your way.
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