Question. Please help. (headed to l&d)

edited August 2011 in Second Trimester
ok my phone is dumb. Lol. I had a whole lot typed out and it restarted. Ugh. Anyways. I am sorry for being such I pain and posting so much. I feel really stupid cuz this is #3 and I feel like a ftm. My other 2 were easy, no pain no issues. And I never had anyone to talk to about anything. Anyways. Im sorry but this has tmi content lol.
As some of you know, I have had a very uncomfortable pregnancy. I have had lots of pain with this one and it has made me very periniod (sp). So thats why so many dumb posts and questions. Well yesterday I had the usual pelvic pain and some cramping. I also had quite a few bh towards the evening. Today, the inside of my hips hurt (if that even makes sense) and I have a lot of pelic pain and some cramping. I also have tightening (at least feels that way) but when I touched my belly it didnt really feel tight. Bh? Not sure. And then I went to pee I wiped and had a lot of yellowish/green discharge. I usually only have clear or light yellow discharge and not much of it. But this seemed like a lot and the color was off. Not sure what it was. Cuz I dont remember having that kind of discharge with either of my boys. I dont think I ever lost my plug or had bloody show with them. Anyways. like I said this pregnancy has me really periniod (sp) for some reason. I keep wanting to go to hospital but I know they will think im crazy and just just send me home anyways.


  • Hmm maybe infection?
  • Can anyone help please. I know im being really dumb but I need help :( thank you for anyone who reads this and can help. Again, im sorry for my stupidity.
  • Most likely the discharge is your mucus plug. It may or may not happen.. you can also regenerate ot back.. the discomfort from your hips might be because ypur pelvis and hips are probably preparing for babys arrival.... But its always a good idea that you should ask your dr too..
  • yeah could b your baby pushing around trying to get good down in the pelvis area
  • I had that same pain when I was that far allong it felt like a hand was inside of me pushing my pelvic bone out and I mean an adult size hand but that's when I went to the hospital and they gave me percaset my doc said it was just round ligament pain and my pelvic bones separating but the yellow and green discharge is something I have not experienced so I think u need to go in and get checked if u have an infection u need to be seen and if u r scared u can always text me hun
  • well that concerns me. Im only 21 weeks. And im not sure if it smelled lol. I was in an arbys bathroom. I dont usually think to smell it. Lol. And of course with it being sat I cant call my dr til monday. So I dont know if I should go to hospital or not. Im not even close so baby should not be "getting ready" and I shouldnt be loosing a plug. Lol. Can you ladies tell me if im being overly pariniod (sp) or if I have right for concern? Being only 21 weeks.
  • @havingnumber4 at my us they said baby was close to pelvic area. So if she is getting lower that would make me a little worried.
  • A little update. Im headed into l&d to make sure everything is ok. I will update if and when I can.
  • Hope everything is okay hun!!!
  • They just ran a couple tests and they all came back ok and sent me home.
  • Glad everything is okay hun
  • I've felt like that throughout my whole pregnancy! Still do.
  • Ya me to. But the discharge is what worried me. But I guess all tests came back normal. And the nurse said it looked like my cervic was closed. So thats good.
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