is it bad?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
that i'm almost hoping that when i go to get my ultrasound the 9th that they'll tell me the first ultrasound tech made a mistake and we're really havin a lil girl? i mean, i already love my lil man to death... but i've always wanted a lil girl... >.< i feel like a horrible mom for having these thoughts! i will love my baby regardless n hate that i have a preference at all...


  • No don't beat yourself up for the wish, it is totally normal, and u will love him when he comes and won't be able to imagine him any other way, u will forget u ever wished for a girl when he is so perfect:)
  • @momto4 i keep telling myself that and i know my hubby is all sorts of thrilled that we're having a lil boy. its all he's ever wanted.
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