3 weeks seems like an eternity!!!

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Maybe its just me....but everyday I think "today might be the day" now I know I'm only 37 weeks, but this is baby number two and I am in sooo much pain lol....I had such an easy pregnancy the first time, and this little girl is making me a monster lol....I know its almost over bit geesh can't I just sleep the next few weeks away lol....anyone feeling similar?!?!


  • Same Here I Have 3 Weeks Also
  • I have 3 weeks too & Im praying she comes any day! 3 more weeks just seems sooooo far away!
  • I feel the same too, but I have 4 weeks left :'( im soo ready to have my baby girl here! I feel like I am more impatient the 2nd time around
  • edited August 2011
    Oh my goshhhh! It sounds just like me! I am 37 weeks too. This is also my second child and I'm also expecting a girl this time around. My first came 3 weeks early so, like you, I'm expecting it to happen any day but watch...I'm going to go over this time. I've had a few contractions, but nothing ever constant. Good luck @coltensmamma
    Ps- how old is your oldest?
  • He's only 17 months which makes it a little more exhausting lol....I just have been having so many bh and a little bit of bleeding last week and still nothing....I feel like some one is playing a really mean joke on me :) lol
  • I've got 24days to go! 3weeks and 3days :( ugh.
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