Why are men assholes?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
As some of you know, ive been on bedrest for getting contractions for a few weeks now and as I'm getting closer, they're getting worse not only that but im carrying twins so everything you go through physically with a singltone is pretty much a million times harder with twins, constant heartburn, extreme vaginal pressure and shooting pain, the feeling like your pelvis is going to fall off and to top it off, huge painful and itchy stretch marks all over my belly..and everyday it just keeps getting harder and harder to move and despite all that, I still do everything cause I have a toddler and barely any help...
Well last night after I took a shower I was in so much pain I couldnt move so all I did was ask my husband to feed our son something I prepared earlier, was does he do?! He starts cussing me out and sayying im ordering him around, so I force myself to get up to go feed evan, what does he do?! He grabs my arm so hard and shakes me then pushes me away...all that was infront if evan!!! So I started crying and hypervanilating and just forced myself to go upstairs mid contractions, I tried to get my son but he didnt let me, then I heard him soothing him so I knew he'll be ok...
So I had a horrible night, couldn't sleep from all my usual pain and the pain of my arm where he grabbed me and wich is now starting to bruise.
I'm in shock!! I cant believe he did this while im preg and with everything I'm going through!! I couldn't even deffend myself or push him back! And what? All cause I asked him to feed our son? I never ask for anything god dammit!! I do everything myself! I feel so bad my baby saw all this too....

Sorry for the long post, this is the first time I vent here...


  • Its in their genetic make up.
  • Men are assholes. My husband has had a bug up his ass all weekend.
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  • First of all......I am pregnant with my erd and am feeling all the same things your are, sooo I can't imagine with TWINS and having to be on bed rest too:( Sucks soo bad to be in pain not have him be more understanding. I think with most men when the person they love is in pain or has a problem that they can't help fix.....they get scared and react as if everything is fine. It seems to be too hard for them emotionally and they just ignore it and react by being an "asshole". Has he since apologized???
  • Uhg. Im in the same boat. Sick of it! Almost makes me wish we were penguins so they can sit on an egg all day and we can go for a swim.
  • Thanks ladies, I know hes stressed too and most of the time im fine with it, but im dealing with alot too! Ugh...i hate men sometimes!
    @kells32 no he hasnt apologized or talked to me at all yet.
    @vtmamajuju lol yes I wish!!
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