Wish hubby would stop!

edited August 2011 in Relationships
So I'm about 4 1/2 weeks and this nausea is kicking my butt. My husband knows this and has been helping out a bit but every chance he gets he's nibbling or kissing on me, well trying to at least. Sorry if its tmi. I just give him a disgusted look and say would you quit that? Its sweet that he's like that but I expressively told him earlier today that this nausea has completely taken out my drive, to which he replied its fine I understand. So wth is he still bothering me for? And now hes just done it again and doesn't understand why I'm upset... Ugh! Men!


  • Yea.. also i think for some men it makes them more horny when their girls are pg.. they are so weirdd
  • Yeah we're really excited because we have been ttc. But it wont be so exciting when I puke all over him... =/
  • Lol maybe you should. Thatll teach him well to give you a little more space.. :P
  • I'm 36 weeks and my drive has been 100% gone since day 1 of this pregnancy! I feel bad for my poor hubby! At first I blamed it on feeling sick all the time but the nausea went away around 13 weeks for me... now I have no other reason except I'm just not in the mood ever! Sorry, my point is my husband still tries even though I told him I just am not in the mood, its out of my control! I understand your frustration though.. I also understand the hubbies lol! Hopefully your drive comes back some day, I read about other mamas who got there drive back in their 3rd trimester... mine is still hiding! =/ goodluck girl, just try to be patient with it bc they go from getting it to nothing lol and they will just never truely understand how we feel
  • I totally understand how you feel my bf was/is the same way. i think it is just their way of trying to make us feel better and letting us know that they care! my bf still does it and Im 37 weeks lol good luck
  • My husband is the same way but i try not to get upset about it. Lots of men ignore their women when they get pregnant. So even though you're not in the mood feel lucky and try not to be to hard on him!
  • I know, I have kinda been in the mood off and on but its usually interrupted by cramping or nausea so yeah. It gives me hope for when it finally goes away. Thanks for the tips. I know he's sweet for trying but its hard to tell myself that when he's laughing at me for being upset lol. Oh well. Maybe if I give it up I'll get a few days of peace.
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