My next door neighbors are the BEST!!!

edited August 2011 in Just for Fun
We have the nicest neighbors. When er bought our house there was no front yard it was all landscaped with two ponds, it was beautiful! We didn't thing it wohld be that hard to maintain. Well, we were WRONG!!! This year it has been hard for us to keep up on it with us both working full time and having a 2 year old and with all the rain we had in Washington this year. We just got back from a 10 day vacation on our boat and out next door neighbors thought it would be nice to help us out and weed the whole thing and make it look pretty again. You should have seen the look on out face when we got home. There are not that many people out there that are so kind and just want to do something for someone to make their life a little easier. THANK YOU!!!


  • That's so sweet! Let them know there's a house in Jersey that's feeling a bit neglected. :ar!
  • aww how sweet. u should cook them a nice dinner to thank them
  • @blueberrysmom. Ill pass the word along to them!
  • We were going to get them a gift cert. For a really nice dinner.
  • Aww! Id bake them a cake or something. Small things mean a lot. That was very sweet of them
  • I was talking to her a couple of weeks ago while she was working in her yard and we were talking about life and all and I was telling her how we were just going to pay someone to clean it up for us once we got back from vacation since we could never find time.
  • I need some like that
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