what should i expect to feel at 8wks?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm a first time mom and just need some advice on What I should be feeling?


  • I'm around 8 weeks and here are my symptoms: moody, overheated, nosebleeds (only 2 so far,) breast tenderness and enlargement, nipple tenderness, change in food tastes, constipation, gas and bloating, funky metallic taste in mouth, fatigue, slight cramping, heartburn, thirsty... lol.

    Everyone is different. You may get a lot of symptoms, you may get none! Haha :)
  • @ashes I feel all those too! Moody forsure! My poor boyfriend... I'm so mean to him I can't help it.
  • You'll definitely feel tired. Pressure in your lower tummy when you sleep on it (if you do). Heightened sense of smell. These are a few other than what was already listed that I've felt. I'm 8 weeks too.
  • Tired sick hungry moody sore lol could go on and on!
  • I'm now 10 wks 3 days and gosh the sickness is horrible. Only threw up once tho.
  • I'm 10 weeks and 4 days and I've been getting sick everyday since I was 7 weeks. :(
  • Omg @mamaqueen me too its all day
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