How much blood is OK? * update from doc*

I'm almost 5 weeks, I woke up last night to pee and saw some brown Spotting, no big deal. Wake up this morning to pee and I see red Spotting with more when I wiped. Its not alot but I've never done this before and my first appointment isn't till tomorrow.


  • I'm not sure if I'll be any help but both my last two pregnancies i bled and they both ended in m/c. If you are concerned at all go to the er and get checked. they can check your levels. Sometimes bleeding is ok. If it gets worse and you start to cramp then get checked otherwise just bring it up with your doctor tomorrow. Good Luck!
  • Thats why I'm scared, I've had some pretty intense cramping the past few days but I was always told if Theres no bleeding its ok. But now bleeding so I'm all freaked out now.
  • Go to the er if you are scared. They can check your levels and give you an ultrasound. It might be to early to see anything on an ultrasound but most time you can see something but its definitely too early to see a heartbeat.
  • Sorry to ask kind of a personal question but have you passed any clots or tissue?
  • Heartbeat starts around week five so maybe not too early. But I'll wait a few hours and see if the bleeding looks like its stopping or getting worse. If it looks worse I'll head in but it may stop on its own. Its not alot right now so I'm hoping I'm just paranoid.
  • No no tissue, just blood. I'll be keeping an eye out for tissue or clots or if the bleeding picks up.
  • It could just be implantation bleeding and cramping. And yes the heart does start around week 5 but you wont be able to see a flicker on an u/s until closer to 6 weeks. Good luck and keep me updated!
  • I bled very very heavily at 13 weeks and I never really got a clear answer as to why but my baby boy was ok. Hoping everything is ok...
  • Thanks guys I'll keep an eye out and update later.
  • Called the doctor they said go to the er. I'm scared as hell send me prayers please let everything be ok.
  • Good Luck! hope everything is ok!
  • Good luck! I pray everything is ok!
  • Hope everything is ok
  • Idk I never bled at all but for some it is normal I.would call the doctor
  • Prayers for u!
  • Praying for you hun! Keep us updated!!!
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  • I bled, and I was fine! Hope everything is good for you!
  • Lost the baby. They said they couldn't do anything to stop it until you're at least 22 weeks. Got a follow up appointment tomorrow to be sure... But its pretty much gone.
  • I'm so so sorry @tryingforfirst my thoughts are with you :-(
  • Sorry too hear this sweetie prayeers with u
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  • Thanks guys. Nothing to do but try again.
  • :( im so sorry for your loss hun! Don't get discouraged though!
  • Are they sure that you lost the baby? Could it just be too early to see on an ultrasound? I'm sorry if it is the case. I've been through 2 miscarriages in the past 4 months so if you ever want to talk I'm here.
  • I am sorry to hear this. But are they sure? When your this early they usually confirm it thru blood work bc its too early to see anything on the u/s. I have suffered a mc as prayers are with you.
  • So sorry hun...
  • Very sorry to hear that! :(
  • I'm so sorry. You're in my prayers.
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