Due August 20 and...

I am 2 days past! Ugh! This is so frustrating! My doctor isn't going to induce me until I am atleast 10 days over. I have been dialated to 2 1/2 for over 2 weeks! I am over it! I just want my little man here! I want things to happen naturally, but when you are past your due date its kinda hard! I have been walking my butt off for the last 3 weeks and drinking raspberry leaf tea to try and help tone my uteru, but nothing!!! Lol. How are you other mommas holding up?


  • Im being induced I cant take it today.is my dd
  • @preggointx Oh if they would do it today, I would be up for it!
  • I was due the 19th and im still pregnant and my doctor doesnt work til tomorrow.. :(
  • @Janet_2011 so you feel my pain! I haven't had any contractions or anything! 2 of my friends that were due after me already have their babies. Ugh! I just want my little man here with me!
  • Me too I was due on the 20th too which for me is 3 days ago (australia) and I won't be induced until the 30th, I really don't think this baby plans to come out before then! :S
  • @smiley17 So we are in the same exact boat then! That would be my ed too! Well besides re time difference! Have you dialated at all?
  • Yep haha! I have no idea if I'm dialated because my doctor hasn't checked at all, but hopefully he will at my next appointment in 2 days, because I'm curious. I guess at least you know you've made some progress:) good luck
  • @smiley17 Good luck to you as well! You never know, you could be half way there to meeting your little baby! >:D<
  • You r suppose to b able to opt for an elective induction....y won't.ur doctor just do it ....go in crying or call complaining everyday get on his nerves
  • I am in the same boat!! I was due the 20th and I am still pregnant and only dialted to a 2 and I went tomy doctors today and he won't induce me untill the 28th!! Ughh.. I am so irritated!!
  • I was due on the 15th and still no sign had mild contractions but its all stopped now
  • I don't know it doesn't make sense! The baby already weighs 8 lbs 11 oz as of last week, so you would figure they wouldn't let me go over that far!
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