Did it happen to you?!?

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
So I'm scheduled for my doc to check my cervix tomorrow, I'm 38 wks... I'm a lil nervous bc my ma said with both my bro n I she had us the nxt day after her cervix check exam!!! She said doc must've stirred something up lol. Did this happen to anyone else???


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  • Didn't happen with my mom. She had us all either on our two days before or after our dd.
    Your mom could have a sensitive cervics so the dr could have caused it and its possible that since it happened to your mom it could happen to you but I wouldn't stress about it. Unless its something you want to happen lol :)
  • I guess I'm just a lil nervous :-/ I'm a ftm so I'm anxious n scared all wrapped together. Really Im just scared of labor. And yea since it happened to my ma with both her pregnancies its highly possible to happen to me... ok I do want to hold my lil man and can't wait til he gets here but can't we just skip the labor part Lol
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