car seat instalation ?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
The directions didn't say anything about this, but I'm having my boy tonight or tomorrow and don't want to look stupid when they check the car seat. Does it need to be in the middle seat for a newborn, or can it be close to a door? We have it installed correctly but at 1st hubby put it behind the passenger seat and I had him move it to the middle in case of an accident he's safer. But I'm wondering for my car cuz I have a 2 door hatch back and lugging him out from the middle will be difficult to do.


  • they say to put them in the middle
  • @newmomma13 ok thanks. Do u know how old they have to be before u can move them to the outsides? My car is not very baby friendly lol.
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  • edited August 2011
    I don't think there is an age at which you move them. I had the NY state police install ours and all they said was middle was safest (for side impact collisions), then passenger side is the next safest (if you need to pull over so you aren't standing on the drivers side with traffic flying by), then drivers side is the last option. From what they told me, I don't think it matters for a reason other than safety. So I would put it in the middle or passenger side.
  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 ok excellent thanks so much :) very helpful!
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  • Yeah totally understand! I have a 2 door cavalier! If you have the little carrier its not too bad being in the middle. It just snaps on the base. My son is still in the middle and it can be a pain at times. Once the new baby comes we will have a few months before we will be able to buy a new vehicle so I'm not ready for 2 car seats in the back of my already tiny car. But I think its going to be best to have them on the 2 sides. Probably the only way 2 carseats will fit lol.
  • No problem. The police officer was fine with installing ours on the passenger side before we had my daughter. When she was 12 months old I found out I was preggers again so I had them move her seat to the middle and install #2's (due in October) seat on the passenger side. When #3 comes (God willing) ...someone will have to sit on the drivers side ;) you gotta do watcha gotta do :)
  • I thought u were supposed to put it behind the drivers seat bcuz in the event of an accident as the driver ur instincts are to get the farthest from the oncoming threat?? Is it supposed to be the middle seat?? Hubby and I are going to out ours in later today and we don't want to do it wrong!!
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  • And did u all install ur seats then have the fire dept or police dept check it? Or did u have to make appointments??
  • edited August 2011
    @newmominsept you can call your local police or fire department and see if they take walk-ins or if you need an appt. In NY state only certain state police officers are certified in installing, so I needed to make an appt and it was free. That is when they told me middle, passenger, drivers order of safest.
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  • @NewMomInSept well not all cars can have it in the middle cuz they all don't have the anchors. It makes sense that the next logical place would be behind the passenger seat in case u need to pull over, baby will be farthest away from the traffic as @Soon2BMomOf2under2 said above. But what u said makes sense too cuz ur instinct is to get away from any potential threat. Idk I guess it doesn't fully matter. I'll keep my boy in the middle cuz its safest then when he's a bit bigger ill move it behind the passenger seat.
  • @kinsman its all confusing! >_<
  • @gatorbob seat protector? Do u mean the base or like the fabric bumpers to keep babies head from moving? This is r 1st and I'm not dumb but not overly educated on these things. I just read safety reviews and directions on how to put it together lol.
  • edited August 2011
    @gatorbob good point! The police officer also told us no seat protector because it violates the safety of the car seat and no window shades...nothing that could fly off with impact and become a deadly object.
  • @NewMomInSept tell me about it! I thought I was asking a simple yes or no question lol but I guess not!
  • I got a carseat on passenger n drivers side bcus I got new baby coming n a 2 yr old a paramedic installed both mines!
  • Ok I think we all agree that the middle is the safest as the 1st option. After that I guess it depends on how u want it to go. And a newborn doesn't HAVE to be in the center its just the safest.
  • @kingsmama right?? I don't think anything about baby is a simple yes or no anymore. Haha This is our first also, and I've never been around babies or little kids, so I'm totally clueless. Thank the lord my hubbys family has lots of kiddos so he knows a fair amount!

    @preggomommyof4 Lucky!!
  • @kingsmama...good luck tonight/tomorrow!!! :)
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  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 Aww thanks hun :) I go in at 9pm est. Depending on how things go pain wise ill be doing my story along the way :)
  • @gatorbob oh that makes sense. I didn't know they had pads for indentations on the seats. That's a good idea tho. And I have the head bumpers and shoulder straps. I see why they wouldn't pass an inspection for the car seat cuz most don't come with the seats themselves. But they r very useful and I'm still going to use mine :)
  • I would keep in the middle for however long cause its the safest
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