Feel like I cant go anymore!

Im 36 weeks +2day and feel like my body is over being prego. I had my labor stopped at 35weeks and im just wondering how much longer my body can go. I have no energy my body shakes and I feel like my heart is racing. Is that normal? I just hope my baby boy will be ok no matter when he comes.


  • Well ur almost full term so hang in there momma
  • I'm 32w and I'm sitting here wondering how can I continue to work. I'm exhausted!!
  • I'm 35+3 and I'm dying ..I'm ready for this to be over. My back hurting is what's killing me. LOL
  • I shake sometimes too I'm 35+6 and I feel like I'm going to drop at times we will see ill pray that u get that baby soon mama. :)
  • I get the racing heart thing too, im 34 weeks almost n been having back contractions ugh im ready for this to be over too!
  • Im 35 weeks today an I hurt just walking across the room.
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