after how many weeks can you go into labor?

edited August 2011 in October 2011
Im curious, is 37 weeks full term which speacifiys anytime then and after you can bust into labor at any given moment? I'm 33 weeks and 6 days now but I wanted to know because after a certain number of weeks I want to be aware of what could happen and remain in a safe place at all times lol


  • It can happen anytime I had my first son@ 35wks but was un labor for weeks. This time im 35 weeks an feel the same as u: scared to death of wen it will come.
  • 37w is full term but the baby can come anytime before that
  • ya 37 weeks is considered full term...but if you have an anxious baby it can come sooner than later! ;-) No need to stress! It will be a surprise!
  • Ohhh boy! So pretty much there's no exact time that could define when the big day could occur??? So its even possible I could go into active labor now at 33 weeks? This is my first so idk what to expect and assumed the closer id be to 40 weeks is when I should start being alert lol now IDK! My friend had her baby this morning at 38 weeks @emy
  • @valentinasmommy @ashley_smashley so if 37 weeks is full term does that mean any baby born before 37 weeks would be considered premature? How far along are you ladies? I don't mind having him a little early I just don't want to past my due date an have to deal with being induced or whatever that's what I'm most afraid about.
  • Yep. Baby will be premature anytime before 37w. I'm 37w and 4days. I'm afraid ill go over :(
  • I am not sure about the premie question..hopefully the others will have an answer for that one,..good question! I am 35w+3days. I wouldnt worry to much about having to be induced...if it happens then you will deal with it need to stress to much about something you cant really control!
  • Like @ashley_smashley said It's a SURPRISE lol
  • and i hate surprises! lol this one is killing me! Plus my husband and I are instant gratification this 10 months of waiting for a baby thing is killing us! lol
  • Lol I can imagine! I'm not stressing going over right now since I'm only 33 weeks but yes whenever he's ready ill be ready hopefully my little one just waits after my babyshower in 2 weeks and everything should be A OKaY! Lol
  • 37 completed weeks is considered full term. (Meaning 37 weeks, in your 38th week)
    But because your due date can be up to two weeks off either way, since no one knows for sure when you ovulated, its best to let it happen when it happens...

    Anything before 37 completed weeks is considered premature...but sometimes baby might not actually be premie because like I said, due dates can be up to two weeks off.... they just told us this in my childbirth class. Lol.
  • @ashes really? Thats interesting lol hmmm, my friend who had her baby yesterday just recommended to me to get my mucus plug removed by my doctor at 38 weeks to speed up labor have you heard of that before?
  • My dr office made me sign a paper saying I wouldn't try to self induce before 35 weeks. Showed me all these pictures and it scared the crap put of me. They were like we wont induce you before 40 weeks unless you or the baby is in danger.
  • @jnettep no I haven't, that's weird. I wouldn't do it, just let him/her come when they are ready! You never really know when you conceived unless it was like in vitro...
  • My Dr told me if I went into labor prior to my 36 week point the hospital is required to do what they can to stop labor. Of course its a different story if your water was to break.
  • edited August 2011
    Go out have fun an relax, baby will make an appearance when its ready (or you get inducted) I went out for a meal with my best friend and spent the whole day shopping on my due date lol don't feel you have to stay close to home just because your near the end, I'm sure you'll know when babys on its way :)
  • edited September 2011
    I'm 34 weeks In L&D
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