might have trouble... any advice?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I had someone tell me today that I may have trouble with child birth cause I have a small frame and narrow hips. I'm a little worried. And not to sound gross but I'm very tight "down there" I have to use small tampons even. Do you guys think I may have issues with the birth of my sweet baby!


  • Unless it was a doctor I wouldn't think too much in to it! Human bodies are amazing things. You cant really tell from the outside what a persons frame is really like
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  • Your body makes adjustments via hormones. Your hips will spread allowing more room for baby's birth. It looses your joints which allows for the hip spread, and you'll Also notice that your hands and feet 'grow' because of this lol...means a bigger shoe size :)
  • I am 15 weeks. I'm barely showing. But I got a great ultrasound of the kiddo the other day.
  • I am small framed too. With my first baby my pre Preg weight was 93. I'm 5'3" baby was 7lbs3oz. He was posterior, broke my tailbone and needed forcepts but I did and twice after with no problems at all. My problem w first baby was because he was posterior and not because of my size.
  • Thanks girls. This makes me feel so much better!
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