I just don't know if I should go with my gut feeling. Help please?

edited August 2011 in Babies
On Sunday, I put a discussion up about my son. He'll be 6 weeks old on Saturday and this past Saturday he started eating every 30 minutes, being super fussy, had bad gas, and wouldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes. I know he was getting enough milk because I pumped and got my normal 3 to 5 oz. And he was pooping and peeing regularly. So mostly everyone on my discussion said it was a growth spurt. He did fine yesterday. Sleeping and eating normally. Well today he went back to eating every 30 minutes to an hour, only sleep for a short time, and being super fussy. Well around 9pm tonight, he was still acting hungry after he breastfed on both boobs so I pumped only an oz and tried to feed it to him. He had the bottle in his mouth maybe 5 seconds then he threw up....and when I say threw up, I mean he threw up what looked like alllll the milk he had eaten all day long! And now if I get him to sleep, as soon as I lay him down, his eyes pop open and he starts screaming. I feel like he's sick or something is wrong. I don't know if I should go with my gut feeling and take him to the hospital tonight. Help please?


  • I would go with my gut and take him in. You have nothing to lose by doing so and it will give you peace of mind. Good luck!
  • I say go with your gut. He could be sick or something you ate is upsetting his stomach.
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  • edited August 2011
    If you feel uneasy then take him. It's better to be safe than sorry and it will give you peace of mind. I hope your little boy is feeling better and that nothing serious is wrong.
  • His temp is 99.3 right now. I'm gonna call one of his ped on call nurses and see what they say.
  • Mother's know best! Does ur pediatricians office have a 24 hour line? Is so I'd call...if not take him in, its Always better to play it safe!
  • I think the biggest worry at this point is dehydration. With little ones vomiting like that, you want to make sure they don't lose all their electrolytes and such. So long as he has at least 3 wet diapers a day and his soft spot isn't sunken in and his mouth has saliva, he should be okay through the night. If he continues to vomit through the night, then I would say take him to the ER. If he is okay, take him into his doc first thing in the morning. Of course, if you want medical opinions, you should be able to consult the on call doc for your pediatrician.

    I wonder if he is over eating. My pediatrician told me that at 6 weeks, babies shouldn't be eating more than 3 ounces at a time because their tummies are so tiny, and anything more than that will make them throw up. My daughter was about 5 weeks old and I was feeding her 4 ounces because after 3, she seemed to still be hungry. But, I had the same problem as you, she would throw it all up. After talking to her doc, that's what she told me, so I cut back to 3ozs and once she was done, I burped her well. When she was fussy, I would give her the binky/pacifier and off to sleepy land she went!

    The only other thing I can think of would be reflux or GERD. Does he seem to struggle during his bottles as if its uncomfortable to eat, or arch his back during feedings it before spitting up? My son had bad GERD and would projectile spit up. It was so bad that he was listed as "failure to thrive" because he wasn't gaining weight. At 9 months, he was put on pediasure, whole milk, and any baby food he ate had to be made with avacados, sour cream, cheese or butter. He still has weight gain issues to this day. He's almost 5 and hasn't weighed more than 34 pounds. Anyway, the point is that GERD could be the culprit if he has those symptoms. I think babies often mistake their tummy pains for hunger... Poor little babies. :(
  • 99.3 is normal. Anything above 100.4 is not normal in a baby that young. Did you take it rectally? Let us know what the doc/nurse says!
  • Always go with ur gut...ur mommy and u no best?
  • @BkE913 I was just about to ask. I just read on the internet that if he's under 3 months to take it rectally because under the arm, neck, forehead isn't accurate, I took it under his arm so I'm about to try rectally and I'm waiting on an on call nurse to call me back.
  • Ugh, I hope lil man is okay. I know what its like to wonder what the heck you should do. Let us know what they say when they call you back. From experience, every time I questioned my "mommy intuition", I went with my gut feeling and there was always something wrong. The two times I didn't, my daughter (who was only 2 days old) ended up being hospitalized for seizures, and my son (about a week after his 1st birthday) ended up being hospitalized with a gastrointestinal infection.
  • Hope little bentley gets feeling bettr. :(
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  • She told me to give him pedialyte next time he's hungry and call at 9am to make an appointment and come in tomorrow. She said it sounds like an ear infection. @HomeBirthAdvocate question, if I'm only breastfeeding should I be worried that his poop isn't solid? It's still that orangey brown color and liquidy. He's 5 weeks old.
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  • Okay because she asked me if he had diarrhea and I was like I mean his poop is normally loose...haha. @HomeBirthAdvocate
  • edited August 2011
    @BentleysMommy how is your little one doing? Is he feeling any better? I hope you get some answers from the doctors and hope he's feeling better. I know it's hard, especially when they can't say what's bothering them. Hope yours and Bentleys day is better.
  • Hope he is feeling better hun. Let us know
  • @blueberrysmom @LittleFae @SaylorsMommy @Melinda326 @ethansmommy122 @BkE913 @lae3 @breewashington08 @HomeBirthAdvocate @romeike89
    Update* Took him to the doctor, no earache or over eating, just colic :( so the prescribed him levsin gas drops, hopefully they'll work! Oh and he now weighs 10lbs 8oz!
  • @BentleysMommy oh yay! So nothing severe, that is good. My 2 year old had colic and reflux when she was little and she cried all the time and she would cry for long periods of times. Drove us bonkers. But she finally grew out of it. The drives in the car were aweful since she screamed so much. She could cry for over 30 minutes non stop. I felt so bad for her. I hope he feels better with his new medicine and that you can get sopme much needed rest. Blessings to you and your little one!
  • @melinda326 thank you so much! I hope they work too! I'm glad she got better, that's how I feel too, like I can't help him :(
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  • Sounds alot like when my son had reflux when he was a baby, I would definately keep a close eye on him poor little man, hope things get better for him, I know how it is to constantly worry and not know what's wrong, it kills you as a mother!
  • Yay thats good! I mean, good that it wasn't something bad.
    Good luck with the colic and thank you for the update.
  • I was going to say colic or reflex. We had to elevate my son for about 6 months bc he would do the same thing. We went and got a foam triangle looking thing that you get from the health store and within a week he wasn't throwing up any more. His vomit was like the exersist (?sp) the movie lol sorry. It was horrible. Plus they out him on some meds to help him with the reflex. If the gas meds don't worm try gripe water. It works wonders! My 2nd daughter had colic so bad my neighbors called children services on me bc all she did was cry. They came out and was like um yeah she's just colic and left me alone. I got gripe water before it was out in Walmart for sale and like I said it worked wonders for her! Good luck hun hope he gets better.
  • Thank you everyone! :)
  • Colic can b frustrating but with the drops its helps a lot. The vibrating seats work wonders also!
  • My first had colic.. Cried for the first two months lol.. One day it just cleared up and was easy till he turnef 8yrs and started arguing lol
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