
edited August 2011 in September 2011
Does the epidural needle hurt? Can you feel the huge needle as they inject the medicine? Please let me know :-S


  • Doesn't hurt at all really. Trust me mama compared to contractions it's a walk in the park. You can feel a little clicking or numbness when medicine injected but well worth it!
  • Tah mine hurt like a BITCH, buts its nothing compared to the contraction. 20 mins after I got mine, OMG I was in heaven!! :D
  • Also my back was sore for a week after words. Jus a head up.
  • I was hurting so bad I nevr felt anything go in :)
  • I was more scared then anything. The needle is nothing next to the contractions I had.
  • I have heard it does hurt. but ive never felt it.
  • Didn't hurt me at all!
  • They numb you before putting the actual epidural needle in. The numbing shot is like a small bee sting then its just pressure and no pain.
  • Mine didn't hurt. At all and didn't have any back pain afterward like everyone said I would.after two hours of intense contraction it was a relief and I was able to get some sleep.
  • I didn't feel the epi being placed at all. Like was said the numbing shot is a small sting but its not bad. But I'm one of the lucky ones that the epidural only works on half the body. Trust me Momma get it ASAP if its something you wanna do. My hip was knocked outta place by a stupid resident while he was trying to induce me and that pain on top of the contractions was horrible. But SOO! worth it! once you see your baby you'll forget that anyone or anything else exists.
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