Feeling lost without my mama...

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
Ok well lately I have been very sad because im really still grieving the loss of my mother.. :-( I lost her to cancer on nov.2nd of 2010 my mother was also my best friend she was in short everything to me and I feel like I can't do this without her sumtimes...this is my 5th pregnancy and Im very excited about it and so are my other children and my husband but I have this depression that I feel like im sinking into... I just miss her so much and I really feel lost without her... I do hope this feeling gets better


  • Sorry 4 ur lose and it will get better with time my bf lost his mom when he was 17 and he was still sad when we got 2 gether only some times when he thought about her even tho he turned 22 2 days after we got 2 gether. Its not something that will pass quickly. I cant even imagine how it would feel. Good luck with the new baby and know ur mom will be watching over u.
  • I can't imagine your pain. Mothers are irreplaceable. Depression can be hard to fight off. Stay strong, & see/talk your Dr if you can't feel better.
    Lots and lots of love your way. XOXO
  • @mommyoffive i know what u r going though i 2lost my mother 2 cancer in jan 2010,she was my best friend aa well. It has not been easy for me either.
  • My mother passed aug2010 words truly cannot explain how much I miss her.... I sometimes just breakdown thinking about how she use to piss me off with "annoying"things she would do or say & now I would anything to just hear her voice.... My family & friends but dam I wish I could just have my mom by my side! So u r not alone girl

    :getting teary eyed writing this: o my ;(
  • Im thinkin that the reason this is so hard on me is because we knew of her cancer for only 3 wks before she passed and really that didn't give any of us time to prepare for what was coming... And to make it worse I found out I was pregnant exactly a month after she passed... I just know im pregnant because she wanted for me to go on.. Crazy but thats what I believe
  • O so it was short & sudden for u & your family... While with me its been 4yrs of just misery... My mother had several med conditions diabetes/high bp/kidney failure was her major battles tho... I kno she going to make me go full term with this pregnancy & shes gonna b by myside when I give birth :)
  • Oh wow heres lots of hugs for u @my1st_augbayb >:D< looks like u know exactly how I feel... I too feel like my mama is with me...
  • @mommyoffive I'm sorry for your loss I'm 19 and I lost my mom Dec 2008 to breast cancer I thought my grieving was over but now that I'm pregnant with my first baby and engaged all my emotions are coming back I wish every day I could call my mom and tell her all this amazing news and get her advice. I just think sometimes that my baby will never meet there grandmother and it makes me sad I just miss her...
  • *hugs* right back at cha %%-
  • I understand what you're going through, it isn't easy to lose any of those close to you but a parent is very difficult especially when you become a parent yourself and could really do with their guidance and support. I lost my mother also to cancer in 2003, when I was just 11. It's been very hard without, and was made even worse when I had my son at 15 without her support, now I'm almost 35 weeks with my second, and it's like going through it all over again. But the most important thing is to remember all the good times you had with her and to tell your children about their wonderful grandmother. :) I hope your pregnancy is going well and that it's okay to miss them.
  • @mommyoffive we were barely able to prepare for my mothers passing either we learned of it@ thanksgiving spent that wk@ hospital got results two wks b4 christmas and she was gone in just 6 after test results. God i really miss her. My biggest symptom has been crying at everything which is what i am doing now. But i know she is w me a will watch over me xhugsx your way
  • i understand all too well...i lost my mother in july 2010 to a long battle of multiple problems...you are never prepared to loose a parent...doctors had been saying she had 6 mnths to live since i was 8 yrs old...i was 24 when she passed so she had a very long struggle! i find joy in knowing she is in heaven and watching over me. she did get to meet my first son but i found out i was preggo nov 1st of 2010 so it hurts to think she will never get to hold or comfort her new grandchild, which i know she wouldve loved very much, but i know my children will always have a gaurdian angel guiding them. i have lots of pictures and things that belonged to her and i fully intend on my children knowing who she was and what a wonderful person she was. i dream of her all the time, i dont know why but those dreams make me miss her even more. i still have a very strong support system but nothing will ever replace the sound of her voice and the strength she gave me. if nothing else she taught me how to love and i am so grateful for the time we did share together. to all of you who have lost a parent, they are still with you in mind, heart, and soul and thats something nobody can take away from you. in loving memory of my mother, Bonnie Lynn, ill be seeing you later just keep your eye on the kids when i cant.
  • @luvmyson very beautifully said *balling my eyes out*
  • Very sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine the pain you are feeling. I hope you get better :D
  • I lost my mom in 2006 to heart disease. We were very close and I was 26. There have been so many significant events in my life where I really needed her. I have to look inside myself to find her strength in me. When I look in the mirror, she's glaring back at me :) our parents live in us! Now that im pregnant, I miss her more! I need her more! Amazingly though, if I sit quietly and think about her and how much she loves me and this baby, I feel her love so intensely it blows me away. Love is eternal. You're wrapped in her love, honey. You're gonna be alright.
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  • Well im feeling a bit better knowing that they're are so many expecting mothers out there that know exactly what im going thru I know now that eventually things will get better... oh and @luvmyson and @tamsy79 u 2 brought tears to my eyes I really feel like things are only gonna get better now... Thank u for sharing ur stories with us.. Much love to the both of u and to everyone else... Xoxoxo >:D<
  • My mom passed in Oct of '07 I was only 17 and I miss her very much. It def makes me sad that she didn't get to see me graduate much well my kid meet his/her "nana" its probably been one of the toughest things to get use to. Everytime I feel the baby or when we find out what it is I want to call her so bad and let her know but can't. Stay strong and let the comfort of the baby you are carrying take some of the pain away.
  • @tamsy79....*tear jerker* that was beautiful...mothers are amazing...I'm glad we all get the chance to know that feeling...ugh now I'm cryin hysterically ....lol but laughin all at once...u guys are awesome
  • @luvmyson ur gonna make me cry! Lol. Love really never goes away. That's why its so amazing ;-) mom's are amazing too. Im so glad im gonna be one! Yeah!
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