My long awaited birth story

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
This is truely a blessing within itself......I had my wonderful little blessing August 3 at 35 wks. Here is how it all happened: early that morning I woke up and was in this CRAZY mood to clean my WHOLE house, I had no idea I was in my nesting stage. After cleaning I left to go run a few errands and finally I came home to rest. About an hour later I was sitting up in my bed when I felt this big gush, I jumped up quickly thinking that my water had broken and to my suprise it was a bunch of blood and it wouldn't stop gushing out. So I was rushed to the hospital and as soon as I got there I was checked and I found out I was 3cm dialated. The dr decided right away to do an emergency c-section because I kept pushing out blood clots. So with not even being in L&D for 20 min the doc said you will be having your baby tonight within the next 10 min. I was so scared because I was all alone, no family or friends and I am a first time mom. It hit me when I was getting my spinal that I was going to have my son in just a few minutes. I was able to only make 2


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