You know your a loser when....

Not ONE person to your baby shower...
I feel so unimportant, not even my mom said she would come... So it's canceled. And I have absolutely nothing for my son, except 2 outfits which I got him.. I'm so depressed and broke and just feel so unloved.. I can't afford anything right now and I have been trying to get help but no one can help me at all, not even the free places around my house. They are all put of rescorces right now.. :( You don't have to write anything, I just needed to vent..


  • Your not a loser :) Everything has a way of working out, so try your best to stay positive and dont be so hard on yourself. I think its common for people not to RSVP, you usually get a lot of people you werent expecting! I'm sorry everything turned out crummy though. I hope it all gets better!!! :X
  • Thanks girls, I'm already 34 weeks, and it wasn't that no one responded it's that everyone said NO, so it really hurt my feelings, I sent out 37 invites and nada.. And there hasn't been boy in my husbands family in 19 years and 13 in mine, so people are excited for that... Just not enough to help... I love that people can make me feel better here.. My husband doesn't understand he's like it's fine. He can use the same outfit.. He is joking of course but it makes me cry harder.. Lol
  • Im not even having A shower cuz no one wants to throw me one and not only that I don't have any friends anymore :( things will all work out for you though babe! Best of luck.
  • :( How could everyone say no.. I really have trouble comprehending how people can be so selfish :( If I would have gotten an invite, I would have come :) Men tend to worry less than women. I havent decided if its a blessing or a curse!
  • No one offered to do a shower for my daughter or this one so I threw my daughters myself, and was like ok, I'm 30 weeks anyone want to help out YET?? and no one offered so @kara_lamak don't feel bad and I'm also realizing I don't have any friends, like even say maybe instead of no!! Give me some hope! @usafwife_21 thanks :) see preglys understand how I feel!! And people just don't care, I go to everyone things and buy the best gifts I can afford and not one person will even come to show support, they don't have to bring a gift . It would just be nice to have some support ya know?! And at times I believe it's also a blessing in disguise lol. Sorry to ramble ladies, like I said I don't have many friends to talk to.. And certainly can't since they all said no..
  • @kristaf22 thanks :) and they give blankets?? I Wonder if they do that in Cali... My daughter was born in December and no blanket for her lol
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  • @MarinesAngel that's sad to hear, but at least people are excited, so we have that goin for us right?!
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  • @kristaf22 ha ha haaaa!!! That's funny!!! You should have been like uh no my bed didn't have sheets... Yeah I thought I was weird too!!! Ok bye!!! :))
    @everyone thanks for cheering me up :)
  • Ha ha ha!!! That's too funny, my husband was like take all that stuff, and I'm like no babe those are lubes,and speculums.. we don't need those unless you plan on using them on yourself !! Lol
  • lmao @kristaf22 we did the same! we took the receiving blankets, the long sleeve onesies, extra paci's, xtra formula, diapers, wipes, the aspirator,thermometer, hat, alcohol wipes, band aids, and yes the pitcher too! we had enough formula for 3-4 days diapers for a week and the wipes lasted too

    @myasmommy2009 try to save up some money here and there and go to thrift stores! you'd be surprised at the condition of the things there and some r even almost new if not new! i wish you lived closer i would go to your shower! But try to c if the salvation army has things to donate and keep checking on those places for the free baby stuff maybe theyll get their hands on something! And maybe your husbands family can send money gifts to you guys since they cnt throw u a shower u can buy what u need? I really hope things look up for u guys! if u dnt mind me asking what part of Cali do u live in?
  • Id suggest writing a list down of the basics you need and try get most of it 2nd hand. You can get really good deals!! I had nearly everything before 30weeks. We bought everything 2nd hand except for the carseat due to low funds. We made sure everything was in good condition. Everything will work out fine:)
  • Have you tried asking for stuff on Freecycle? I've seen plenty of posts in my area asking for baby items and they seem pretty successful at receiving what they request. Also check out Craigslist. People give stuff away all the time. Several weeks ago I even came across an advertisement for a "free baby shower". It was an annual event a local church held and they were giving away lots of new and gently used baby items. Hopefully things work out for you.

    @kristaf22 Hehe, that's so funny! I'm going to try to see what I can get away with taking. I'm sure they're going to charge me for everything whether I take it or not.
  • @mamato2boys we have been looking at second Hand stores too, they usually have lots of cool things, but it seems like now that we need it it's all gone!! I'm really hoping something happens soon so we can be ok!! And thanks, I would love for you all to come to my shower!! I live in san Luis obispo county, it's like the 2nd biggest wine place in California besides napa valley :)
    @jellybeaning11 it just really seems like now that we need it all the things are gone, and we only have one or two second hnd stores around where i live... I can't drive far cause I get so diZzy and lots of times my husband has my car for school and I'm not allowed to walk to far, plus holding something heavy and pushing my daughter in a stroller sounds way more complex than I cm Handle lol I'm a clutZ
  • Try to sign up for cashaid or something so they can help you. Remember some people just don't RSVP, you're not a loser!! <3
  • Oh and if you have a children's orchard, use it! They're amazing!
  • @CarrieLee I have never heard of that site but I will look into it!! Thank you so much!! And I looked at the free things on craigslist and called some people, then my friend decided to freak me out and tell me bout the craigslist killer and that chick who preteneded she was giving away free baby stuff and kidnapped the woman who was pregnant and tried to cut the baby out, and I got nervous lol.. I know it's stupid but I was like uhhhhhhh my husband is going with me if I go!!!
  • If I was invited I would have r.s.v.p.ed :) I'm sorry ppl suck sometimes. Just keep your head up girl
  • We can't receive cash aid cause we make $7 over the limit :/ but we don't make enough for bills nd rent, my husband is losing lots of hours at work so it's like really hard, I tried to get it really hard, even showed we had to borrow money for rent but they said it was still to much.@MiracleM2B
    @everyone thank you so much for your help, advice, n concerns. You guys are truly like a little family on here!!
  • Oh no! Don't beat urself up! Im going to write this down as another reason. Im against baby showers! Ugh! Im not having one. I have no family and not many friends here in Hawaii. Im sorry bit sometimes no one returns the RSVP maybe people will show up
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  • Wish i lived near by so i could help you out :( check out online auction sites that where i got everything. I'm too lazy to walk around lol even the weekly grocery trip is a mission for me
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  • where do you live? maybe I can help
  • Def take everything from.the hospice. It all goes in the trash after you leave anyway. Heh everytime a nurse came into the room we strangely needed a new pack of diapers. . . Two nurses two packs :))
  • Sometimes ppl suck. Don't feel bad. Ppl all rsvp'ed for my wedding shower & half didn't show up! I was so hurt. But the same ppl did that for my wedding too. Now my sil wants to do ababy shower. I keep trying to say no. I don't kno if cali has these or not but Mo has once upon a child. It's a store that sells gently used baby & kid supplies. I got tons of clothes, and other stuff super cheap! Like 50¢ onsies and 75¢ sleepers. Look into it.
  • There's a site called free cycle .org I think Google it its all round the world I'm in aus if I wad closer I'd give u all bubs stuff as this bub my last 4 boys is plenty ad for rsvps saying no easy,del off Fb n opps when u have bubs don't let them know . I couldn't imagine saying no even with plans I'd make time to fit in everything parties ,even with 3 kids & a new born . Cheer up we care karma. Will get em
  • Thanks everyone!! Sorry I fell asleep lol. I live in California. And I'm at the point now where I'm going to try all those sites and found another place kinda by me that has gently used clothing for free! So I hope that works out!! I realized that none of those people really matter that much and I hope none of them expect to be around my son or daughter much, because ever since I got pregnant with my daughter my friends dropped like flies!! Came around till she was 2 months and are no where now.. But I got my preglys!!! Yay :)
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