Just a little...NPR

Disappointed right now.... I just watched Pocahontus and I thought John Smith stayed with Pocahontas at the end.... but nope! :( I could have sworn he stayed with her.... I know Ive seen a Pocahontas were he stays....

You dont have to respond or anything, just thought Id share....


  • Lol there is a pocahontus 2 where she goes to england or whatever. God its been years... Haha
  • @kara_lamek Ive seen that one, but theres another original one where he stays after hes shot and the Native Americans heal him.... omg its going to drive me bonkers lol
  • Lol I thought he stayed in the original too... Idk Haha im not a movie expert. Google it
  • @kara_lamek I think I might just do that lol Google is like my best friend lmao... I google everything!
  • Me too! My bf was like try bing I was like heck no google never let's me down
  • @kara_lamek lol someone once told me to try the new google chrome and I was like, google has never failed me, why chrome it? lol it was funny
  • Haha we think alike! Obviously google is fine if they have my whole phones search engine using google and it's printed on the back of it!
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