edited August 2011 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
Wow so yesterday my mom asked me if I wanted to come over for breakfast...of course I said yes well at the time her husband wasn't there and everything was fine...well he came back and everything went to crap he started slamming doors and throwing crap(my sis was there too) then he started calling me excuse my language (plz don't report) a fat self centered lil bitc* a** hoe I didn't even say anything to him then he starts saying all u do is come.over to eat cause ur too lazy to cook urself then he gets in my face and is literally spiting on me well my sis was like eff u and next thing I know he was pushing my sis to get out and my mom was telling her to stay...well my sis finally turned around and punched him he fell and then sis was beating the crap out of him (he has been to jail once cause of beating up my mom) I called the cops and they didn't take him to jail cause it was on his property....kinda messed up I think but the cop told my sis he is Jus mad cause he got beat up by a girl..oh and the night before I was on the hospital cause of dehydration and then all this happens


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  • Yeah well I said the same thing my dh was at work when this happens and he told me he didn't want me to have nething to do with them oh and my mom has already lost my brother cause of him
  • Agreed with these mommas. A mothers first priorty when she I pregnant and has children are her kids.
  • *she is pregnant lol autocorrect
  • I'd try to stay away from that jerk. Next time it could be you he pushes. You & baby could get hurt & that would be bad. Tell mom how you feel. Set rules about him not being around the baby. I'm sorry this is going on, especially when you need your mom.
  • Yeah I need my mom bad but they act like it hasn't happened but dh already told her if he is still around then baby is not going to be apart of their life
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