So after a night of painful bh *so no sleep* I'm giving the toddler a bubble bath *standard poop in the potty bribe* when my husband pulls up. . . Hes gotten fired. . .again. . . And really now could it have come at a better time!?!

rent is late, gas gets cut tomarrow, our health insurance will expire on the first, my car payment is creeping up on 30 days overdue, my tags expire on the first, which really doesn't matter cause we haven't had car insurance in some time, I have weekly doc apts to check my cervix how the heck am I going to pay anyone anything. Little girl needs to put a move on it cause I just don't know what to do.

Best yet I can't freak out about anything to him and I sure as hell can't tell either of our families so I get to do what I can salvage anything I can and just suck it up and be supportive. Ugh I almost wish I could go back to work *bedrest* the money isn't much better then my disability but the house is going to be horrid to live in for a long long while


  • Yikes! Too much stress for one preggo mommy!!! Do you live in the u.s.? (If so head straight to dhs to apply for medicaid, food stamps, and emergency cash assistance...may ease some of the burden)
  • Yeah I'm in Kansas. Waiting for him to fill out a few job apps then going to look up the local multi service centers number
  • I've been there so I know ur stress. The only thing u can do is b strong an stay positive at this point. I pray evrything looks up for u guys..
  • edited August 2011
    May I ask why you can't talk to your families about this? Maybe they could be the help you need. I agree with @Math_Mommy about seeing if you can get food stamps and Medicaid and cash assistance. I hope everything works out. Just take one day at a time.
  • I am so sorry that ur going through all of this I know how u feel my fiance came home few weeks ago and they first suspended him and just last week the case went through and he officially got fired his a paramedic. Well it was good that he wasn't bein lazy or anything and trying to find any other paremedic job and his old company thta he just got fired from called and said that they might take his paramedic licence from him which would suck cause he went to two crazy years of school for that and a lot of money was put into it and not he has to get a whole new carrier and maybe even go back to school. Our baby girl is due on dec 15th and he also has a daughter from his first marriage so he still has to pay that child support. I am super stressed I am working but I don't get paid much at all. I know how stressful this is but I just keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason and god will never put me in a crazy situation where I might not have a home for my baby girl comes the 25th of september. I hope things work out for you and ur family and keep me updated and try not to stress cause that's the worst we can do for that precious cargo we are carrying around :)
  • Also sometimes the company that financed your car will agree to let you skipone or two payments and tack them on to the end (they make more interest revenue that way).
  • Do you have everything you need for your baby girl?
  • @melinda326 in the 7*esh* years we have been together this is the 4 maybe 5th time hes been forced to quit/fired with big stretches of no money between jobs. His family are all petty bitches who revel in him being down, mine has already been helping since I've been on bedrest so I can't ask for even more. And there is the he-man pride to consider. I'm probably going to have a problem getting him to go to the multi service center but he sure as heck will lol
  • @sophiasmom11 we are kc area halfway between Lawrence and olathe.
    @math_mommy luckily my son is only two so we have all his big stuff. I come from a family of garage salers and thrift store junkies so I think I'm ok on clothes :)
  • Awe, our kids are in the same gender-birth order (my son is 2, daughter 5 months). I was amazed at the clothes that have been given to me since my daughter was born, I think people,like buying girl clothes better, because she's got 10X as many as he did!
  • @math_mommy when I was pregnant with my son the family kept complaining that girls are so much funner to dress. This time they are all about how cute boy stuff is 8-| can never win lol
  • Turn to God and give him your problems. I work as a paramedic and went on maternity leave April 7th. I had my baby April 11th and on April 23rd I received a letter in the mail stating that I was no longer needed at my job. Needless to say I still haven't found a job. I just ask God to help us through the problems and take the stress off of me. We are making ends touch but that's all. Lots of prayers to you.
  • @beaded_bunny I'm so sorry to heard about that. That's a shame. I'm glad that at least your family as helpful to you. I hope and pray that things get better for you and your family.
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