
Before I was pregnant I didn't really sneeze that often or have stuffy nose unless I was coming down with a cold, but since I conceived I am sneezing about 15 to 20 times a day and have constant stuffyness!! I understand the stuffyness-all the extra blood etc but the sneezing?!


  • I understand that! The same thing is happening to me!
  • Me too. Never sneezed this much in my life. My nose has been so dry and crusty on the inside. Driving me crazy!!!
  • I've been sneezing a lot too. Just had a spell!!! The sneezing alone is not so bad its the having to worry about how full my bladder is when I sneeze that's driving me crazy!!! My husband just laughs at me and says "did you wet yourself" everytime I sneeze!!! I wish they could deal with being pregnant for just one day!!!
  • My fiance just says hopefully when your contractions start u sneeze an the baby pops out!
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