Was 2cm dilated a wk ago, 50% effaced and -3 Station. My dr hasn't checked me since then. Do 9-15. Was hoping she was going to be born last Friday and I honestly think she would have been had they not giving me that dang medicine...Ugh. Going to try and evict her this wk end
I'm 1.5 dilated and 25% as of Wednesday. But I've been cramping and having contractions so I *might* have progressed some but Idk there not exactly regular but there stronger than braxton hicks and I lost my plug over the last 3 days. I'm due on 9 27 but everyone including Dr. Don't think ill make it. At 37 weeks I'm trying to get things moving
@Jay_brad A friend of mine just had her little girl, she named her Makenna (:
@rckprincess2, awe what medicine did they give you? Ive been walking like crazy! Everyone says have sex, but my whole pregnancy I haven't been feelin it lol.
@Xpecting91611, we may all stay at 1cm for weeks! Lol. Knock on wood!
@miraclem2b if I had a girl I was debating on braeley - makenna -or Makenzie
This will make 6 boys & 3 girls. The girls are all spread out too, 18, 9 & 3.
@rckprincess2, awe what medicine did they give you? Ive been walking like crazy! Everyone says have sex, but my whole pregnancy I haven't been feelin it lol.
@Wilsomom, aweee. (: how sweet!
@mam082711, don't loose hope!<3
@MarinesAngel, they're not trying to stop your labor?
@Tanners_mommy, I haven't lost my plug yet ): Ahh! Does everyone loose theirs? I feel like I'm not going to haha.
@Kells32, @blessedtimes2, @beaded_bunny, yaaay! Lets hope we keep going! (: