Really scared please can you help?

edited August 2011 in UK
Some of you may know that i am measuring ahead, 34 weeks at 29 weeks. I have had the glucose tests which came back negative (only 2 weeks ago) and have now had a sizing scan which confirmed my baby is big. My previous 12 and 20 weeks scans baby was perfect size bang on average but suddenly turned into a whopper so dates cant be wrong. I know he could level out but seems very unlikely as he has grown the expected 2 weeks worth in 2 weeks so cant imagine him stopping now? I am just so so terrified of labour now and how big he is going to be and if i can cope with it if he is so big. Sorry to prattle on about this but really could do with some advice if anyone has been through this, and also if any UK mums know what will happen as my midwife said they wont induce me early even if he looks like he gonna be like 14 lbs, i asked. She said that if he is still very big they will just not let me go past my due date so i can only hope he comes early. Can anyone reassure me or help, i suffer from anxiety pretty bad and i am gonna seriously wind myself up with another 10 weeks of this, especially as everyone seems to find it hilarious, never mind the fact that it could really damage me and cause me and baby untold amoutns of stress. Thanks for reading:)


  • I'm sorry hun I have no idea I'm a ftm :-( all I can say is my friend was told she was going to have a massive baby, at least 10lbs minimum an he came out 7 lbs 2. But I dunno if they told her that from scans or measurements. I'm seeing her tomorrow ill ask her an post what she was told! But till then bump!
  • Scans are wrong all the time. I've seen it over and over... plus there's always the possibility he had a growth spurt and will slow down now. Don't get too worked up. Mother Nature is pretty intuitive and doesn't normally grow a baby your body can't handle ;-)
  • I was told from scans and measurements my son would be well over 10 lbs....he was born at 38w4d weighing 7lbs 15oz
  • Thank you i also think that surely my body wouldn't grow a baby too big to deliver but docs and midwifes just kind of skim round it and don't give me straight answers i am just so scared of massive ripping but yeah could balance out lets hope!
  • edited August 2011
    I met someone the other day who had a 10lb6 baby without any issues. Your baby might just be very long. Also it could be a growth spurt and could level out. I know it's really hard not to stress out, but try not to get too worried, as the baby will sense it. Good luck - I hope it all goes well for you.
  • I am measuring about 3 1/2 weeks ahead also. I was really terrified at first but I have decided to wait til my next Dr apt before completely freaking!! I'm trying not to stress it to much bc I know how inaccurate growth scans can be. Just hang in there!! I just keep telling myself that he just had a really big growth sprut right before to scan!
  • U/s can be very off, esp at the end of pregnancy, so don't freak out yet. Also, there's a good chance that if he's really that big, he'll come early. You can do a lot of things to help though, like staying active, walking, and eating a healthy diet. You may also want to google perineal massage and evening primrose oil, both of those things can make the skin down there stretchier, so your chances of tearing are lowered. Good luck!
  • Im not trying to scare u but my last preg ended in a 12lbs 3.5 oz baby, I measured correctly all the way thro, coz it was my first I had no idea how wrong they cud get it, I was 12 days late n had an emergancy section, I wud think that if they thi.xnk that its thay big they will give u an option of csection, im due my second section in 11 days as taking no chance this time. Express ur concerns to midwife tell her how worried u r.x
  • OMFG @kelliesweeney 12 lbs!! thats a big baby!!
  • Yeah tell me bout it, had all sorts of doctors in and out my room that nite coming to see my Hence I have waited over 6 yrs before doin it all again :p
  • I was told my first baby was huge. My midwife joked that she was gonna come out a toddler. I had scans every 2 weeks and was prepared for a monster baby. She was 12 days late and weighed 7.2. They get it wrong all the time, and Tbh, any size baby is gonna hurt lol, I really wouldn't worry. But I would start on the rasberry leaf tea once you get to 32 weeks.x
  • Lol thanks everyone i guess there is no way of knowing until the day! I can only hope if he is toddler size he has the decency to come a week or two early so i can still have some flesh left over! I just don't know how they get stuff so wrong. And give such little information!
  • at 31 weeks my bump measured 3 weeks in front! i was bricking it! lol at 34 weeks i measured at 35 weeks :) so levelled out!
    my friend had loads of scans measuring in front all time sayinp baby was going to be 10lb+ she was 10 days late 7lb1
    another friend measuring small said baby will be about 5lb, born 4 days early weighed 8lb 2! so honestly they know NOTHING lol!
    another mate has gestational diabetes and baby measuring big and she bein induced about 38/39 week
    sorry for babble just sharing experiences lol I'm sure everything will be fine! x
  • Thanks so much @SamiUK sharing stories is what i need :) sounds like they are wrong more than right so i am just gonna have to wait and see. He is really healthy and big and im hoping cos i felt him kick and hiccup early that he will just be early! Fingers crossed. How long do u have left?
  • fingers crossed for you!
    i have 3 weeks tomorrow hit the point of fed up-Ness today and kinda flipped out and picked a pick axe up haha Joe looked so scared which made me laugh haha
  • Same happened to me..measured 5wks ahead..had extra fluid and they said baby was easily over 10#...i had him 39+4 and he was only 6#13oz. I had growth scans every couple wks and reg ultrasounds weekly...they were still waaaaay wrong on his size. Just relax and don't stress ..who knows you might have a lil peanut instead of a lil blopper lol
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