small things he does :)

So although my bd and I have our definite downs and there's times where I wish I never met him (although those moments are becoming more infrequent) there's our definite ups :) which are becoming more frequent :) anywho today it was about 93 degrees where I'm at and well we don't really get that kind of heat so to say the least I was miserable and ridiculously hot so I'm downstairs wondering what Charles is up to I can hear him doing things upstairs so I go and investigate and tells me to get in the bath so I walk in the bathroom and theres a bubble bath with petals and ice waiting for me and soft music playing plus a small fan and my smoothie right next to the tub so I get in and I'm thinking he had to make this for him too since he was all sweaty himself but no just for me he went downstairs and played call of duty and kept checking on me to make sure everything was fine let me tell you that bath felt amazing!!!! He can be so sweet sometimes :)


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