Deion Lee Baker

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
8/26/11 I wad scheduled for induction at 1030am! I called at 930am to make sure everything was a go! She said come on down ur bed is ready and I kid you not at 932am I had the worst contraction ever! I joked to my husband that we wouldn't have to be induce because I was going into labor on my own...before I can finish my sentencing I had another contraction at 936am...I was so shocked! They kept coming 3-4mins apart! Got to l&d at 1051am and contractions were horrible got hooked up and check sure enough I was in labor and 5-6cm. Got my first dose IV meds at 1200pm it was great for the 40mins it another dose at 1pm after being checked and being 6-7cm ! I was progressing whether fast! Around 2 I was over the pain decided I was gonna have to get a epi! After I got the epi at almost 3pm I was 8cm! At around maybe 5pm Doc came back to check me but I was the same! Still 8cm! So she decided to break my water! After she did that maybe 30 mins later I started feeling pressure in my vagina she told me he'll make me feel pressure in my bum when it was time but my epi was so strong I couldn't feel it. At 545 I got the shakes and I was not enjoying it so I lied and said I felt pressure in my butt (even tho I didn't) but go thing I did because as soon as I opened my legs she said OhMgee ur complete and he's head is right there! By the time they got my legs up my bby had already started delivering his self! With no pushing done by me Deion Lee was born at 6:13am 7lbs 5oz 19in! I'm so in love! (Ps I'm still loopy as I write this hope it made since)


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