Membrane sweep?

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Is membrane sweep painful coz I will given one in couple of weeks time .... Scared :(


  • No it is a little more uncomfortable then a regular pap and you'll have period like cramps afterwards but it doesn't hurt just uncomfortable
  • @second_time_mommy7 thanks its my sec preg n I hv to hv it as I hv gestational diabetes n they dont want baby to get too big ....
  • Ouch... my sons grandma had that when she was pregnant with his daddy... she delivered him at 12 pounds VAGINALLY!!! I had my daughter 3 days after my sweep and my cousin had hers 6 hours later! I hope it works well for you! Good luck hun!
  • @second_time_mommy7 thankx hun plz pray for me I am really scared
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