Hellooo Maternity Leave!

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Finally 3wks left to go 'til my DD & I'm on my maternity leave! Time to spruce up the finishing touches of our house & clean away! I'm sooo anxious!!!


  • Lucky! I have 6 weeks and 5 days til I am on maternity leave, not that I'm counting lol
  • Lol when are you due?
  • edited August 2011
    congrats. I cant wait to start mine either! this upcoming week is my last week then i can finally say helloooo maternity leave. :-bd...Ive been so exhausted at work lately that my eye has even started twitching. its about that time....
  • Yay! I've been on leave for 2 weeks! Due in 2 weeks :)
  • Can't wait for my leave on September 30th, but I'll be 39 weeks then. Maybe she'll come a little earlier (I hope). LoL.
  • I've been on maternity leave for about 2 weeks now and I am going crazy I am so damn bored! I'm due September 9th I hope he comes realllllllly soon so I have something to keep me occupied!
  • Im not going on leave till my little man gets here! Ahh stop hopefully he comes this week!
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