Anybody has some thoughts

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
a little bit stronger than they have been before....... along with a few newer symptoms:
stronger contractions at the top kind of painful but more bothering some
I have lost 3-4 pounds in a week
low dull back pain that is very bother some and wont go away
increase in discharge...... its clear and I also have a bit of like yellowish greenish pieces that look like snot coming out along with it.....
my baby has dropped doctor felt her head at last appointment....
I have been having this burst of energy...... Like the other day I had cleaned the whole house and I mean fine cleaned wiped down the walls and base boards and mopped floors wip[ed down cabinets and folded laundry( usually I been to lazy to do that since i hit my 3rd trimester)
not to mention the doctor said i had alot of extra fluid when he checked me ( makes me wonder if my water is leaking slowly) not dilated idk if my cervix has softened though.....
Sleeping has become next to impossible no matter how i lay my hips are so sore.......
also been increasingly tired.....
I am thinking about going for a walk around the block or carrying my two year old up and down a flight of stairs lol the last on I think might wear me out more than help......
They say a extremly funny movie or sad movie will help well last ight I watched Jeff Dunham omg that stand up comedy show is so effing funny ( all my preglies should watch it)....................... Anyways any suggestions any thoughts I am on a no sex restriction cause my hips are in alot of pain due to spd...... damn spd..... could this be early labor??????????? O i am also 37 weeks and some days due 9-10-11


  • oops I just looked at my widget I am 38 weeks and 1 day lol pregnancy brain
  • It sounds like you are getting close and have you lost your mucus plug? It sounds like that's what your discharge is! Idk if weight loss is normal at this point you might want to call your doc about that. Bump*, good luck hope ur time is soon!
  • @lindsey2bou thats what im thinking to but i am now laying on my side and the cramping in my belly just got a little bit more i8ntense not unbareable though andf my backache is still yhere
  • o thanks 4 the bump
  • Losing a few pounds is a sign that labor is coming. Sounds like your body is almost there! Good luck! :D
  • I agree, sounds like ur getting close!!!!!!
  • Uggh I can't wait I got pressure now I feel like I got go to the bathroom nut can't
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