advice ladies? im 56 days away from due date...

edited August 2011 in October 2011
My next appt is this wednsday I'm 32 weeks today and have been having what I think are braxton hicks for the past week on and off bad enough to make have to lay down I could feel my uterus contracting all the way frm top to bottom. Ribs to cervix. So ill probably be checked but should I go in tommorrow or call or just wait till wednsday? There's no blood or extra fluid I'm just worried. I'm exhausted and the baby keeps flipping sideways it hurts so bad. Is all of this normal? I'm due Oct 23rd


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  • I am 35 weeks today with my 3rd. I am going through the exact same thing. It is completely normal. I would wait until you see the doctor on wednesday unless you have 4 or more an hour. Or If you think your water broke.
  • Bh are a normal thing in pregnancy. I would just wait til your app unless things change..its just a little warm up before the big day
  • @kritten_octoberbby @crazycat79 @richjen24 Thanks ladies. I just needed a little reassurance :) being a ftm can be so lonely and a bit scary.
  • @kdaniels expecially when the guy doesnt understand our worries and fears.. or they just arent even there..
  • Im 30 weeks and have been going thru same thing omg last night I dont know if he was turning or what but my stomach got soooo hard it woke me up but it wasnt a bh. Today my stomach is still sore
  • @kritten_octoberbby yea sometimes he just gets tired of hearing me say I'm in pain bc he can't help me feel better even back massages don't work so he ignores me and tells me if I'm not in real labor or leaking fluid or bleeding he doesn't wanna hear it.
    @kristin100717 yea I get that feeling if babys pushing with all its strength where there's no room to push. My uterus gets hard like its telling baby cut it out! Lol
  • @kdaniels aw thats being a little harsh..
  • @kritten_octoberbby well he's got it in his head that he's my voice of reason and I won't listen unless he's to the point. It's okay. It's one of those instances where if I need to go in its my instinct over his. My body, my baby too and I tell him u can't feel this pain hun so I'm just going to humor u. I will go in when I'm in horrible pain. My apts tommorrow I will ask my docs advice and then let my man know what doc says is labor well she's probably right so if I tell u I feel a certain way u need to take me seriously. It's like if the doc says it it must be true to him. Gets on my nerves.
  • @kdaniels my husband can also be like that.. if i try to tell him anything he doesnt listen unless the dr or some professional says the same thing.. its pretty frustrating..
  • I'm 36 weeks and I've been having the same problem since about 30 weeks n my lil man is already eight pounds with about 3 more to gain best advice I can give you when you experience BRAXTON hicks just breathe easily they subside if you don't have any other symptoms of labor or preterm labor you should be fine
  • @kritten_octoberbby yea sometimes I ignore him until he can't stand it anymore and then he annoys the shit out of me with kisses and smothering me with attention so ill talk to him or laugh.
  • @kritten_octoberbby yea sometimes I ignore him until he can't stand it anymore and then he annoys the shit out of me with kisses and smothering me with attention so ill talk to him or laugh.
  • @lilyanahsmama I had diarrhea for three days now I feel like I have to poo all the time and pee and not much comes out either way and I have an appt tommorrow so we will see what's goin on. My discharge has become a clear mucous when it was white so I hope I'm not slowly leaking... my tummy has gotten a lot tighter in the past few days and there's constant pressure and cramps in my back from the middle to my lower back. Could b my kidneys I had problem my whole life with them so like I said I guess we will see but I'm only 32 weeks I hope nothing up I want a healthy full term maybe even late baby. I was two weeks overdue my poor mother was in labor for 20 hours and I kept flipping sideways until the moment she went into labor then I was head down so she was scared shed have to have a c section. I was not an easy baby to give birth to lol. And she gained 60 lbs with me! And even though unwashed late I was only 5lbs 2oz I was tiny so I want to make sure spends as much time as he it she needs in my uterus getting nice and big and plump and healthy no matter how uncomfortable I get. :)
  • I am 36 weeks and have the same problem with the bhs. I have read that some women get diarrhea a few days before going into labor, it is the bodies way of cleansing itself before the baby is born. @kdaniels it sounds like u might be going into prelabor sweetie, definetly get checked.
  • @Embracekittie thanks hun I have an appt today in about 3 and a half hours I'm up munching on breakfast now and then ill be goin back to sleep for an hour and then goin to the appt. I shouldn't b toooo far progressed at least that's what I hope bc I'm not far enough along.
  • U will be ok, they have meds that can stop preterm labor if caught in time, more than likely they will just have u take it easy like bed rest. Ur not to far behind though so don't stress it to much.
  • Well I just came back from my appt and she thinks my kidneys are causing.the pain and its been constant on my right side for more than 24 hours. I told her that nut she didn't seem concerned. So I have another appt in two weeks to get my gbs test but I'm in so much pain right now it feels like a freaking Charlie horse and its getting worse as the day goes on it was just a dull pain this past week.
  • @kdaniels.. whats wrong with your kidneys? Or is that what the test is for??
  • @kritten_octoberbby I've had ironic utis and two kidney infections since I was 6 kidney problems run in the family my cousin had to get a transplant and sgbelcher the doc was taking my medical history I made sure to tell her these things I just really hope its not an infection. Another thing she said I never had a bladder infection a few weeks ago but she prescribed me bacitrin and took all of it.... why would she prescribe if she didnt have tje results of the test back yet?!
  • sshe did say the babys measuring.big and is very low in my pelvis already but didn't check me. I really hope I can keep going bc I have my hubbys two yr old daughter frm today till Sunday and he's at work all day and she always expects to be picked up and I can't do that
  • @kdaniels.. well i know in my field of work i have seen drs prescribe an antibiotic that can cover many different types of infections if they are waiting on results. If we have an general idea before the results come in then we know the general range of meds to prescribe..
  • how r you doing
  • @havingnumber4 well we found out what was really causing most of my back pain and cramping I have bv. I'm on meds to treat it and should be cleared in three days :) but I had to go to the er bc the back pain got so bad and that's doc finally checked me bc I was having mild contractions at that point and found the bv. I was releive but pissed she *disnt check the first time and just blew off my pain like i was being whiny. I was lucky she even showed up to the hospital bc she's got a rep for being absent during labor and showing up just to 'catch the baby' which was why she was there when I was she was 'catching' two babies and she had SUCH an attitude! I understand its late and u have five kids to get home to but woman this is your job if u don't like it find another and ill find an ob I can trust. Lol my.vent is over now
  • Idk any advice i have 70 days to go but ill ***bump*** this for you so people that might have more advice can help you out! Good Luck mama!
  • @alwaysbeenurz2008 thanks honey but my problem has been solved I'm just updating the ladies that were concerned abt how I was doing. Thank you though! I really appreciate the thought :)
  • thats gud news and you're right if she acts stupid again tell her how would you like to go home to your five kids explaining you dont have a job
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