2y/o calling me a *itch

edited August 2011 in Parenting
So yesterday at target the toddler was running feral so when I tried to pick him up he started fighting and called me a bitch. . .twice. luckily my husband came up then, toddler calmed down we continued our day.
Today I'm getting a sippy ready for his nap, he see it wants it I tell him its for nap and walk into his bedroom. . . He starts chanting bitch. I come out with a diaper and again he calls me a bitch, I smacked him on the cheek *I know I know* bodily pick him up, slap on the diaper, throw him in bed, walk out, burst into tears.
I can't figure out where he got this from! Its only to me. My husband sure as hell doesn't call me a bitch, we dont do much adult tv, dont spend alot of time around people not family so. . . I don't know what to do. I watched my nephew over the summer and I can see his punk ass teaching it but I stopped watching him three weeks ago so that wouldn't make sense that toddler would wait till now to start using such knowledge.
Any ideas on how to stop this?


  • Omg!! Try to explain its a bad word
  • You definitely need to explain that it's a bad word and then decide on a punishment you will use everytime he says it. It needs to be something immediate, like a time out or whatever you usually find effective. He's doing it because it gets a big reaction, so you have to take the attention out of it and deal with it the same way everytime.
  • my almost 2year old has come home before from his dads sayin B**ch and F#*k U in the beginnin i would tell him no and put him in time out but he would just laugh at me so i decided to give him any attention when he would say those words and eventually he stopped ...i guess not showin him any attention with that word he lost interest . because he thinks its funny when im tellin him somethin is wrong
  • I hadn't reacted till I smacked his cheek today. Def have to have the talk when he wakes up from his nap though. Should I do it or make the husband since the toddler generally minds him better?
  • you both should talk to him :) so he can see that both mommy and daddy say no thats a bad word
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  • I think you should do it. He needs to know that he needs to respect you. When the kids in my preschool say bad words to me or call me names (it happens every once in a while especially the ones that have older brothers and sister) I make sure I am the one that let them know it is NOT ok and it hurts my feelings. There is one little girl that called me stupid and when i put my hand under her chin to make sure she was looking at me when i was talking to her she said you gave me an owie, It came out of no where but i told her that when she called me the bad word she put an owie on my heart. She started crying and hasn't said that word sence.
  • my 16month old hits me when he gets mad i started giving him time out 1min for every year they are old.. mine hates it .. and the hiting has calmed down.. thats crazy that hes using that word .. if he never hears it though.. i think my lil one says shit sometimes.. cause i do if i hurt myself clumsy me
  • You need to put your foot down if yo let hubby do it it may not have the same effect. And definitely let him know that word is not allowed in your house and if he insists on continued use then things he enjoys well start being taken away. Yelling or hitting usually won't have an effect but say he had a favorite toy or had an hour of play time or tv time.each time he uses the word after you talk give him one warning/reminder & if he does it again start taking things away.and you have to stick to it if he starts crying and whining when you take it away don't give in and give it back. Ignore his cries until he realizes.that tantrums won't work (and please don't think I'm trying to tell you how to raise your kids just giving my advice)
  • How sad that I felt so much better after he called his dad a bitch. That it isn't just me. . . Thank you so.much for your advise ladies!
    Last time he called me I clapped a hand over his mouth, dragged him across the house to "the" time out corner *he is well aquianted with the corner, he has anger issues* I guess the look on my face must have scared him cause he peed on the floor. We had our "thats not a word we should use unless we start showing or breeding dogs" talk then he cleaned up his mess. About an hour later he is when he called my husband the word. Jacob not being hormonal *even before the pregnancy* managed not to get mortally offended and Colt got out of that with just a lecture. Hopefully this is a short phase(?)
  • My nephew used to do that. Whenever he got mad or wanted attention he cussed. We just ignored it because the more we punished him the more he used it. Everynow and then he gets time out for it when he gets bad, but its gotten better!
  • how about soap in the mouth.... that's what my mom did. I remember getting it once and I never did it again after that.
  • @usagwife_21 well if it doesn't look like the corner is working then we are going to progress to a touch of pickle juice on his toung *he not fond of pickles*
  • Soap in his mouth! Never hurt anyone and sure teaches them a lesson!
  • He's only 2. Still a baby. I cant imagine putting soap in my 2 yr olds mouth. He just needs to be taught that its a bad word.
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