Starting operation: GET LABOR STARTED
Ok, so I'm 38 weeks today and I'm suppose to be induced on the 6th. I really want to have a natural birth with NO medications what so ever. I don't even want the pitocin. This is my last pregnancy and my hubby won't let me have an at home birth or a water birth so this is all I have left. :-| I know I can deal with the pain because I did it with my daughter. I just want to have the experience of having my water break and going through contractions without being hooked up to machines. So right now, my labor cake is in the oven, I have some pineapples chilling in the fridge, I will start bouncing once I finish ironing my daughter school clothes for the week, and I have a plan to walk for the rest of the week. Does anyone have any more ideas to help me go into labor without medications? I'm open to everything but castor oil (my stomach can't take it).
@jaybrad I wil let you know.
@fallen5 They are such sticks in the mud. LOL
If any of you have netflix watch "The Business Of Giving Birth". It's REALLY good.
Oh, and I've done the acupressure before & it really seems to work.
@Wilsomom Thank you so much for telling me about that movie. I just finished watching it and I cried because that's the experience I so want to have. I think I will pass it on to my sister and a couple of my friends who are in the 1st trimesters of their pregnancies. Thank you again.