26 days and counting! vomitting for past 5 weeks :-(

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
26 days til due date n its 27 days too far away :-). Anyone else experiencing sickness and vomiting in late pregnancy? Didn't realise you could get "morning sickness" again late on... but seems so! Keeping little down and iron counts low. Can't even keep the bloody tablets down. Getting so uncomfortable now. Don't seem to be enjoying pregnancy this time around.


  • from what i heard you can have the repeat of first trimester symptoms in the third tri... Sucks. I havent had symptoms in my first tri and havent yet in my third.. only 38 days till duedate though
  • Sucks alright! Glad you haven't experienced any of this. On my 3rd and never heard of it until now. Must have had it easy the first two times :-). Also, the pressure when wrenching (TMI I know) really tightens my belly! Poor baby must hate the cramping. Sometimes I wonder if it'll set me off!
  • I hope u get some comfort soon. Ur almost done. Hang in there.
  • My daughter is ftm just entering her 3rd trimester & shes having the same prob. She doesnt have the nausea like 1st trimester, just can't keep any food down. The doc said it's probably her acid reflux acting up. (Shes had it really bad in the past) He's going to give her some medicine for it. Maybe ask ur doc if he could give you some acid reflux meds. & see if that helps. Her doc said it can be really bad in pregnancy cause of the baby putting pressure on the stomach. Hope that helps! :)
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