Ok looking for some honesty

My bd is always saying shit like when will you be back to normal?? I'm 37weeks .. its not like I've had the baby yet!
And today I told him I wish people would stop asking when my baby was due when I go out places ... well he tells me that if I'm still hefty then people might still ask.
Uh wtf!!!???!! >:(


  • O hell no you arent over reacting! I would first remind him that its half his fault that you are pregnant and "not back to normal" then I would throat punch him and kick him in the balls! What a jerk!
  • @Ashley_smashley I'm so pissed :( ughh!! He obviously doesn't see anything wrong w what he is saying.. God
  • WOw I am amazed...has he ever been insensitive before? I am just in shock that someone would say something so awful to the woman carrying his child... :O
  • @Ashley_smashley no I was a princess before I got pregnant ... (*I was also a size 2,tan,with long blonde hair*) guess looks mean a lot to him.
  • that's so sad that he would say that, let alone think it's ok to say! I mean, it's not like you can help any of it. and I too am sick to death of people asking me "have you had that baby yet?"...uhhh NO STUPID... I AM STILL VERY PREGNANT- DUH! ~X(
  • Thats really sad ..I am sorry Hun...Well atleast you are figuring out now how superficial he is
  • @Ashley_smashley its annoying and is very degrading to say the least...
    @survivormommie3 oh yeah I'm sick of people treating me so damn fragile I can handle my own thank you. Besides I don't even know you lol. I don't even like going to the store anymore.
    My bd sends me mixed things tho.. sonedays its hello beautiful ... others it's I can't wait till you're *normal* :'(
  • You're not alone.. I don't know what it is with men not knowing how to treat their pregnant ladies. I wish I could tell u how to deal with it but I'm suffering the same battle. I just remind him this body won't be pregnant forever so feel comfortable IF u want to b/c you'll feel shitty when the boys are back to looking :)
  • Hes a bitch plain and simple
  • Men are so insensitive!!! I get upset because my husband only calls me beautiful whenever I'm having a bad day. If my hubby said anything like that, I would beat him!!!
  • Thanks for the support ladies! :x
  • back to normal what like you have a disease or something and um did he ever think ppl wont ask when you are due you will have the damn baby with you that is just grrrrrr i swear some men are just not born with filters...or brains
  • Thats horrible.
  • Thats so degrading.. your having his baby and he is more worried about weight... He sounds superficial..and honestly he wont everr change being that way.. you may never be "good enough" for him.. i hope he grows up and wish you the best of luck...
  • I agree, that is a very unsensitive thing to say, especially to the mother that is carrying his child! Ugh, I understand. Just ignore it mama. I truly believe that most men just don't understand what we as women go through in order to carry their babies. I don't know any women that it hasn't caused to gain or lose something, gaining weight, losing sleep, being uncomfortable, worrying about the health of the child. Hopefully he comes around. Good luck!
  • @eiralynnesmommy thanks for support dear! >:D<
  • no hes being an ass .. i know my man gets tird of me saying how huge i feel and how huge i am .. and how much ive gained.. hell say oh i know bertha.. lol.. but weve been through this twice.. and althoug i gained sixty lbs with each pregnancy.. he says he still thinks im hot.. lol and he knows i will lose it.. cause i always do..
  • @lae3 I hope to God I loose my 60lbs. :'(
  • He's being a jerl, but my hubby was today too. I have two tiny stretch marks and I told him I'm scared of it getting bad. His response? Well eat less like salads.... WTF can't he just say oh don't worry you won't.
  • Not cool! I'd throat punch him for sure! Lol
  • @jess510 my bd does that crap!! Ugh and its like he doesn't know its offensive??
  • U will . Eat right excersize and bf.. It reallly helps the belly goe back quicker.. Dont be hard on urself.. The hard part was after my first.. That afterbody shock! Lol.. Just remember.just cause one person is instanly.back we.all dont do that.. But ur body will if ur persistant and give it time.. Mine needed time.. So whil ur losing dress for ur body and enjoy the plumper u while u have it.. Lol.. Thats what I did.. And as I melted.. Lol.. I didnt feel so bad.. The 2nd was.easier cause I knew what to expect.. Giod luck and.have faith in your body (0:
  • @lae3 thank you! How long did it take for you to get back down??
  • These men don't realize we r doing one of the most important thing...wait let me take that back, the most important thing.in their Damn lives n ours which is nurturing n taking over after they're (babies) r conceived to keep creating life by basically giving up our bodies to give wut they started to create and we finished, life. Do they not c the sacrifice we r making n putting ourself thru??? Idk if it makes sense...in my head it does. Some men just r.so Damn unappreciative.
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