
edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Hoe many Moms played it to their babies while pregnant, and what did your baby do?!?
And does it truthful do anything to them?


  • OMG! I mean how** lol
  • i dont know if it really helps in brain development and concentration and what not. but i played it for both my kids. more so with my first, my daughter. she is so much more into music than my son. she was so calmed by it.
  • I play piano music all the time for my baby. Still pregnant so I cant tell you what.the affects are. But for now my baby loves it! Ill start and the baby will move towards the music and go still and durring the pause when its going to the next song baby will punch and kick until the music starts again lol
  • edited August 2011
    Uhm! My little princess is going crazy over it. Lol
    do you wonder that she maybe into it more because you played it more to her?!?
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