C section recovery stories

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
I just found out that I'm going to have a planned C-section tomorrow afternoon. I'd love to hear your stories and tips on recovery. Also, if you breastfeed, were there any complications due to delay or did baby pick it up? Tell me all you can. >:D<


  • edited August 2011
    Ok so use ibprofen the other meds won't help 2 make sure u keep it clean and dry I would use a rolled up cloth or something no powder I got an infection and breastfeeding I gave up my son would not latch but my aunt has 6 kids and says to use evoo and don't give up try for at least 3 months I will try fir sure this time and use a pump as well. :) oh and when I had my son no one ever told me about nipple guards that would have helped but good luck girl. :)
  • @momof22be Thanks for your advice. I'm really hoping that there won't be a problem breastfeeding her. How many days were you in pain for?
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  • edited August 2011
    I had an emergency c section with my first. I was given a spinal block in the OR which numbed me from my diaphram to my toes. It worked great...I didn't feel anything. They put a foley catheter in during the surgery and that stayed in until I was able to get out of bed. Which wasn't for several hours after the c section...you have to wait until the numbness is gone. I went to the OR at 7:00 pm and my DD was born at 7:15 pm. As soon as the nurses finished cleaning her up and doing their tests she,was in DH's arms (maybe 10 minutes). He sat next to me and put her face to my face for most if the time until they were done sewing me up...maybe 20 minutes after she wad born. They put me on a stretcher and handed her to me. I immediately put her on my breast and she latched on. I had no issues besides soreness and was able to breastfeed for 11 months. We remained in post-op for about an hour. I was holding her and nursing most of that time. We went back to my room and I started itching really badly...a common side effect of the spinal block medication, so they gave me dome nubaine to help with it. I also wad given percocet for pain. Our families came in to meet her and we had a great night. I wasn't able to shower at all the next day...general rule is no showering for 24 hours after the surgery. The next evening I developed a small wound infection so they started me on an anitbiotic. My first bowel movement in the hospital was incredibly painful. Overall, it was a great experience. I was released to go home. On the 4th day after surgery. At home my pain seemed worse. I took percocet at home. Ibuprofen would not have helped me in any way. My pain may have been worse b/c of the infection though. I was feeling back to myself in 3 weeks with only minimal pain/discomfort. Be sure to keep the incision clean and dry. I used a hair dryer after showers to endure it was dry and often put a thin panty liner over it. Other advice, ask for sutures instead of staples. Keep up with your pain mess b/c once you get behind in your pain control It's difficult to play catch up. Shower right before you go to the hospital. Expect some awful gas pain hit several weeks after the surgery. I think that's it! Good luck!
  • I was in pain for about 2 weeks then I was just sore for another week
  • My recovery was very easy. Best advise...get up and walk as soon as they let you. I had no problems breastfeeding.
  • Thanks ladies @sands3, @momof22be, @caffeinated_katie
    @DreaMaria- very informative thank you for sharing. I hope I get to hold her and bond during recovery. :)
  • Keep the stories and advice coming! :)
  • Oh that's one thing I forgot to mention after my c Sec I did not see my son for 2 1/2 hours I was passed out
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