Update on the driver who changed my life in June 2011 (NPR)

OK so as many of you have read I was in a horrible accident in June on my hubby's birthday. A lady who was drunk at the time blew a stop sign at a major intersection of an highway and I t-boned her. She was going so fast I did not have time to stop. I spent 4 days in hospital I have multiple injuries and major pain still! Any way we my husband and I went to her sentencing on Friday--that was hard!! I had not seen her in person. Well come to find out she admiteed to being drunk she blew a 1.87 an hour after the accident--OMG she caused the accident at 8:22 on a Sunday morning. She admitted that her and her passenger had come down from a major town about 45 miles north of the accident and could not remember why they were on the back road about to go across a highway. She did not remember the stop sign at all and her passenger who is still in hospital and owner of the car had originally been driving but she was more sober then he was so she took over!! Are you serious OMFG I was totally blown away when I heard her attorney saying all this! The only reason her passenger survived their little joy ride is because he was so drunk and relaxed. Because they decided to go on a joy ride drunk and kept drinking in the car mine and my husbands life has changed forever! Before the sentencing I was kinda feeling bad for her till it came out that she was convicted of this in Alaska not even 6 months prior and how drunk they both really were. I am sorry the passenger was as hurt as he was but damn stupid desicion on both parts now makes me have to answer to my five year old why i can not play with like i use to and why i am ALWAYS going to the Dr!! One thing thru all of this my baby is a fighter and she is still with us and I trully believe every kick she is telling me Momma we made it thru the nightmare we are surviors!! In the hospital because of all my injuries i was put throught multiple cat scans with dye, nucleaur medicine, and MRI's with dye not to mention the mass amount of pain killers. I relayed this all to the judge when it was my turn to talk at her sentencing I wanted her to know as a mother what she did to my children. I have no idea if it helped but I wanted to stress to the judge that you know I am a grown woman and if I have to live in pain the rest of my life so be it but our little girl who was only 13 weeks gestation in major forming stages didnt even have a chance to try life with out being pumped full of meds and god only knows what because the woman decided it was a good idea to drink and drive! I am now beyond pissed with people's stupidity! She received 70 months no early parole she has to serve day for day she also got 3 year close probation and 10 year license suspension. Not that the suspension should matter she didnt have a license when she caused the accident! She also has 2 boys in Alaska where she is from and when she gets out of prision here her boys will almost be 18 I feel bad for them they have to grow up with out thier mom because of her partying! I wonder to myself HOW CAN A MOTHER PUT ALCOHOL BEFORE HER CHILDREN? I do not have an addicted personality I do like a drink every once in awhile but I sure as hell wont drink and drive! Because of these two peoples mistake and yes I do say two people her and her passenger it was his car and he started driving first - he put the loaded gun in her hands when they decided she should drive. All because of these people my nightmare has just begun and maybe one day shall be over! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Hopefully this understandable I am writing with so much emotion it has taken me this long to write this because i am in such UGH!!!


  • Wow! So, what type of injuries did you end up with?

    Back in June 2008, I was hit head on by a teenager who blew thru a red light, distracted by her cell phone. She was on mommy and daddys enormous SUV and I was in a tiny subaru. I wound up with a severe concussion, a broken elbow, wrist, sternum, internal and external bruising, a busted up lip and face from the airbag deploying, multiple cuts, and the worst of it was the mental and emotional scarring. I underwent years of MRIs and CT scans because I was having a lot of memory issues. I underwent months of physical therapy, which in itself was horribly painful. I was hospitalized for 2 days after the accident because of my injuries, and was on pain meds for months and months.

    Cops said had she hit me just inches more to the left, she would've drove on top of my car and basically smashed the car, resulting in death. The gal who hit me was cited for several things, but I never took any type of legal action. I was awarded a settlement outside of court for a hefty amount of money.

    I'm so sorry you have had to go through something like this. I wouldn't wish a car accident of these magnitudes on my worst enemy. I hope you get a settlement that you're entitled to. I know no amount of money will bring back your .life beforehand, but it helped me with closure and helped to allow me to move on with life. (as strange as that may sound lol.)
  • @bkE913 I have 3 broken ribs colasped punctured lung, dislocated sternum, concussion resulting in major short term memory loss, whip lash nerve and muscle damage on my left side and major emotional issues. My husband from impact broke his scapula which I guess is almost impossible to break unless from major trauma.
    You know what I am so tired of Dr's and tests to try and get me out of pain.
    I have been in phayical therapy now a month and have barely made progress because they can not touch my back with me almost in tears!
    I am sorry you went thru your mva how horrible and how lucky that little girl is that u did not press charges.
    Do u still have pain?
    @kaloresxcierre thank you I do feel very lucky we survived. The investigators were very surprised my husband and I did not pass away in accident. I thank god every day that she is a fighter herself :)
  • wow. well good for you for making it clear what happened. i would have requested to look her in the eye the entire story. did she even show any remorse for actions?
  • @survivormommie3 she did to some degree because she knew she was on her way to prision for 70 months. But one can't be to remorsful when they were convicted of the same thing (DUII) not even 6 months prior.
  • Drunk drivers sicken me... they have a special place in hell right next to the women who get abortions and the men who tell them to. My husband and I always take turns if we go out and choose to drink. Its sad how many lives r tossed away by drunk driving! Im honestly shocked she got as much punishment as she did! Im happy the law worked for the good there! I've seen to many cases where the drunks walk away...
  • Wow that is horrible, I'm so sorry! It's always the innocent that end up the most messed up and the guilty are rarely hurt smh. I have pain every once in a while in my wrist and elbow, also, I can still feel the pain in my sternum when I push on it or have pressure on my chest (like when I lean over and against the tub to bathe my kids), I have some memory issues still to date, but mainly short term (like, I will ask the same question more than once in a short period of time. I will feel like I've already asked the question, but don't remember asking it, so I ask again and sure enough, I asked like 5 minutes earlier lol). I think the worst part for me though is the mental and emotional issues. It has put a damper on driving at night, I get really nervous going through intersections, and I am overall a nervous wreck in the car lol. I hate being in the car while other people drive because I feel like I have no control, so I usually opt to drive myself places instead of ride with others. It sucks. :(
  • Thanks for letting us know the outcome, I always wondered what happened the the drunk driver that hit you.
  • Agreed with @mandac10. It's so unfair that the ones that suffer the consequences for someones dumb decision is usually the life they end up taking because they're selfish assholes. A few years back, a drunk driver killed a family of 5 here, leaving the father of the family...well, family-less. His 4 kids and wife were torn from him in the blink of an eye... All because someone felt the need to drive home as opposed to sleeping it off. Makes me irate.
  • Here in columbus, a few months ago a boy my age around 5am (I guess after partying )was driving not only under the influence of alcohol but also had prescription medication that wasn't his. He ran a red light and hit an army vet. This army vet was someone who had been over seas 5 times I think? He was the one who would help the wounded over there and he had MANY awards and metals. That army vet unfortunately didn't make it. It was just a horrible situation all together. That guy who helped so many people had to die like that. And the boy, I knew him. He was actually a really nice and great guy, just made such a stupid decision and once his trial comes, he'll spend the rest of his life behind bars. He's 17. Drunk driving is something I just don't understand. I feel like every car should have the machine where you have to blow to start the car. They do that to people who have already had a dui and got lucky, so why can't they just go ahead and put it in every car? Doesn't make sense.
  • I'm sorry you had to go thru that I can't imagine the pain you have to live with especially having kids bit I'm so glad your baby is ok. A few months back a friend of my little sister whom just graduated high school weeks prior was hit by a 22yo drunk driver (who had prior drinking and driving convictions) who was going the wrong way on the highway and hit him head on they both died instantly. But if the law had been more form the drink driver would've been in prison instead of still on the road.
  • I am so glad you guys walked away from this and with your baby girl! This is a heart breaking story and it saddens me to say that not even this story can change the mind of those stupid drunks that still decide to get behind the wheel i lost my cousin to an accident and he wasnt even in a vehicle! It was like 1am and he was walking to the convenient store located a block away from his house (him and his girlfriend) and a drunk driver swerved into them and he died instantly and his girl friend was in a coma for 6 mts! I hate that so many people arent responsible enough to make transportation arrangements prior to drinking......smh! You guys are very lucky and i hope that u can recover from this to the most extent that u can %%-
  • Wow they put her away for a long time!! I'm shocked!! So happy for u!!!!:) that's longer than most rapists get...man the court system is fucked up ain't it??? Good luck with everything mama!! Hope things only get better and better for ya!!
  • @everyone thank you all & I'm sorry for the stories I have read and the pain caused by senseless descision making. I agree with all of u and drunk driving it's stupid and causes to many to be familyless! In my state the reason she got so long was because it was called a measure 11 which means maximum time and has to be served day for day period! When I help vote this measure in I never imagined it would come to help me also!!
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