Bittersweet feelings (sort of a vent)

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I made it official today. My last day of work is September 30. I know I'm not due until January, but this is the best decision all around for myself and my Lily.

I have a very mild case of cerebral palsy. Typically I ignore it altogether. But the farther along I get, the harder it is for me to get around. I'd originally planned to come back to work after the baby comes. But looking at our finances, we wont be able to afford childcare. I'm very lucky to have the option for receiving disability income, otherwise I'd have to work and hubby would have to work 2 jobs.

My bittersweet feelings are coming from having to leave the people I work with. They annoy the piss outta me, but I still consider them all like family. And at the same time, I'm happy that I get to be a stay at home mommy and raise my child. I wish there was a way I could have both. But alas, I am but one human. I can't be doubled. Lol.

Sorry for the long vent. Just needed thoughts off my chest.
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