preglies, i need your help!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
is there anything i can do to help me dilate? i had my 36 week check-up on monday, im not dilated AT ALL & my cervix is still thick. im reallyyyy starting to get uncomfortable just with everyday things. i dont wanna try any self inducing cause its still too early for that but i just wanna make some sort of progress...


  • Everyone praises evening primrose oil but I've never tried it.
  • @wilsomom do you happen to know how much i would take at this point?
  • No, but I'll bump this cause alot of pregly's on here know.
  • Evening primrose oil helps your cervix soften which helps it start to dilate but wont induce labor. It worked for me! Right now insert 2 pills vaginally at night before bed (wear a pad) get them as close to your cervix as possible. And take 2 orally and at 38 weeks go to 4 pills vaginally and 2-3 pills orally :)
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