I cant believe hes here!!
Ok here's my birth story!
Sunday I felt great all day and even said "he's not coming for a while!" because I felt fine all day and my due date was Sept 13. Well Sunday night I started having some menstrual like cramps thru my back and belly but I didn't think much of them cuz I had been having them sporadically for two weeks and was only soft and a fingertip dilated. The only difference was I couldn't get comfortable and didn't hardly sleep that night. Got up and felt ok when I was on my feet so I made bd breakfast; apple cinnamon pancakes, eggs over medium, and bacon. Then I got ready and went to the chiropractor. They asked how I was and I said I felt like crap. Then I went to Cosi for lunch w three of my girlfriends and their kids. All the while not feeling the greatest, but tolerable. So I was gonna go home after lunch and take a nap and remembered that bd had asked me to make him some food for work so I started doing that and realized I was having harder pains.. kept cooking and pacing during contractions, but not sure how to time them. Finally woke bd up at 3 And told him I needed him. He was great! We started timing them and realized they were anywhere between 5-10 min apart! Im saying "I wanna go to the hospital but I don't wanna be sent home and feel like im just being a baby!" So we looked up labor in my What to Expect book and decided to call my obs emergency line and was told to go in. So we gather last minute things, stop at his parents house cuz I forgot my chocolates for the nurses (which are wstill not in here!) and head to the hospital as my contractions are getting more and more intense. We get here and im waiting for bd to park the car then we head to l&d to get registered and then I get checked.. the moment of truth... I'm at 9cm and 90% effaced!! Whhhhaaaat?? We didn't even grab our camera! So bd runs to the car to get the camera and they get me prepped. I started pushing within an hour of being at the hospital. They were all amazed at how calm I was And that I had labored all that time at home! So im pain Med free and pushing my happy ass off feeling like its doing nothing but making me poop.. I pushed thru three hours of contractions and towards the end he was just not budging.. they had me constantly moving from one side to the other and on my hands and knees and he just wasn't budging so dr decided on a c section ultimately. I was terrified of that all along but when it came down to it, it was my baby out and im guessing the safest way. Turns out my son was born w no color, low blood pressure, high red blood count, And some breathing issues also his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck and he had fluid in his lungs! My poor baby!! I didn't get to see him for about an hour and they explained he was having some issues so they rushed him to the special care nursery. His color is better, breathing is a ton better, his blood counts and tests are all great, blood pressure has stabilized and he's breathing without oxygen. The one downside is that his lung x ray taken right after birth showed the potential for pneumonia so they did another xray and it still showed the potential for pneumonia but not definite and it showed it had gotten better. They started him on antibiotics today as a precaution bc they don't want to take any chances. So Im worried sick about him but he isn't showing any other symptoms and is nursing like a champ! So im thrilled and so proud of him for that! He hasn't been in our room, and probably won't be.. I just pray he gets better and gets to come home with us! The fluid in the lungs could just be because he was a c sec and didn't have the vaginal push to express all that, but we don't know and pneumonia is a scary scary term when talking about my sob who is just hours old! We are praying and hoping he will get over this quickly and will be off his IV really soon, but like I said he is getting better and better by the hour!
And that's my crazy birth story.. Branden Ray was born on 8/29/2011 @ 7:54pm. 6lbs 7.6oz and 19 inches long!
Sunday I felt great all day and even said "he's not coming for a while!" because I felt fine all day and my due date was Sept 13. Well Sunday night I started having some menstrual like cramps thru my back and belly but I didn't think much of them cuz I had been having them sporadically for two weeks and was only soft and a fingertip dilated. The only difference was I couldn't get comfortable and didn't hardly sleep that night. Got up and felt ok when I was on my feet so I made bd breakfast; apple cinnamon pancakes, eggs over medium, and bacon. Then I got ready and went to the chiropractor. They asked how I was and I said I felt like crap. Then I went to Cosi for lunch w three of my girlfriends and their kids. All the while not feeling the greatest, but tolerable. So I was gonna go home after lunch and take a nap and remembered that bd had asked me to make him some food for work so I started doing that and realized I was having harder pains.. kept cooking and pacing during contractions, but not sure how to time them. Finally woke bd up at 3 And told him I needed him. He was great! We started timing them and realized they were anywhere between 5-10 min apart! Im saying "I wanna go to the hospital but I don't wanna be sent home and feel like im just being a baby!" So we looked up labor in my What to Expect book and decided to call my obs emergency line and was told to go in. So we gather last minute things, stop at his parents house cuz I forgot my chocolates for the nurses (which are wstill not in here!) and head to the hospital as my contractions are getting more and more intense. We get here and im waiting for bd to park the car then we head to l&d to get registered and then I get checked.. the moment of truth... I'm at 9cm and 90% effaced!! Whhhhaaaat?? We didn't even grab our camera! So bd runs to the car to get the camera and they get me prepped. I started pushing within an hour of being at the hospital. They were all amazed at how calm I was And that I had labored all that time at home! So im pain Med free and pushing my happy ass off feeling like its doing nothing but making me poop.. I pushed thru three hours of contractions and towards the end he was just not budging.. they had me constantly moving from one side to the other and on my hands and knees and he just wasn't budging so dr decided on a c section ultimately. I was terrified of that all along but when it came down to it, it was my baby out and im guessing the safest way. Turns out my son was born w no color, low blood pressure, high red blood count, And some breathing issues also his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck and he had fluid in his lungs! My poor baby!! I didn't get to see him for about an hour and they explained he was having some issues so they rushed him to the special care nursery. His color is better, breathing is a ton better, his blood counts and tests are all great, blood pressure has stabilized and he's breathing without oxygen. The one downside is that his lung x ray taken right after birth showed the potential for pneumonia so they did another xray and it still showed the potential for pneumonia but not definite and it showed it had gotten better. They started him on antibiotics today as a precaution bc they don't want to take any chances. So Im worried sick about him but he isn't showing any other symptoms and is nursing like a champ! So im thrilled and so proud of him for that! He hasn't been in our room, and probably won't be.. I just pray he gets better and gets to come home with us! The fluid in the lungs could just be because he was a c sec and didn't have the vaginal push to express all that, but we don't know and pneumonia is a scary scary term when talking about my sob who is just hours old! We are praying and hoping he will get over this quickly and will be off his IV really soon, but like I said he is getting better and better by the hour!
And that's my crazy birth story.. Branden Ray was born on 8/29/2011 @ 7:54pm. 6lbs 7.6oz and 19 inches long!