benadryl (sp)

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
Is there anything that's safe to take. My sinuses are killing me!!! Between the tummy nose and ear pain I'm.going crazy. And I think I have previously been told that benadryl will dry up my milk supply.... Or what little bit I do have.


  • My doc said tylenol allergy is fine ..u should ask a pharmacist when u buy it or call u local pharmacy
  • My sinuses were killing me after I had my son. I called L&D they said benadryl was safe to take while bf. L&D also said it might make baby a little sleepier though. However, they didn't mention any affects on milk supply. I have had milk supply issues this time around which i have never experienced before. This is the 4th baby I've bf-ed. But I chalked up my supply issue to having a c-section this time around. I didn't have problems with milk supply with my 3 prior vaginal births...quite the opposite actually...had to wake up and change clthes and sheets at least once a nite bcause the breast pads would fill up and leak. Never happened with my c-section baby. I felt like my body was concentrating on healing from surgery instead of making milk. I did find fenugreek increased my supply tho which comes with the added bonus of smelling like maple syrup (my man has a maple syrup addiction like Buddy the elf ;) I also pumped even after no more milk would flow to increase supply bc milk is supposedly made on a demand and supply basis. Hope that helps good luck and hope you feel better soon.
  • I was told it was okay but all docs are different. I'm sure if you only take it once or twice it will be okay.
  • @finallyaboy - thank you, I think ill go ahead and take the benadryl. I'm already taking the fenugreek and pumping all the time. The pills have helped a bit but my supply keeps decreasing. I'm lucky to get an ounce now and my son is 4 weeks and 5 days old now. I was getting as much as 3 ounces a week or two ago. It's starting to get to me a little bit now.
  • @Aydonsmommy - Did you have a c-section too? I noticed you wrote, "Between the tummy nose and ear pain."
  • edited August 2011
    @finallyaboy - no, no c section just feeling blah. I have no appetite at all and when I do eat I feel like its gonna come back up.
  • @funallyaboy - no, no c section just feeling blah. I have no appetite at all and when I do eat I feel like its gonna come back up.
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