baby sleeping on belly - need tips
So my six month old daughter keeps rolling on to her belly as soon as I lay her down.
She could be fast asleep but as soon as I lay her in her crib She rolls on to her belly. I keep putting her on her back but she rolls right over. I'm afraid that she will suffocate during the night. I know there are pads/monitors available to detect her breathing and I plan on getting one soon however I'm still stuck with her rolling over.
How do I keep her from rolling on to her belly overnight!?
She could be fast asleep but as soon as I lay her in her crib She rolls on to her belly. I keep putting her on her back but she rolls right over. I'm afraid that she will suffocate during the night. I know there are pads/monitors available to detect her breathing and I plan on getting one soon however I'm still stuck with her rolling over.
How do I keep her from rolling on to her belly overnight!?
@Betty she currently sleeps in our bedroom so I don't think a monitor (minus the breathing alert one) will do much. I should of mentioned she was in our room, sorry for leaving out that information. Thanks for answering anyways.
She still likes to be swaddled. Do you think that blanket would be an issue. She can break out of it if she wants to but she will not fall asleep unless she is swaddled. Other then that blanket and a cribsheet there is nothing in her bed. Its a thin blanket, I've tried removing it after she fell asleep but she just wakes up. Maybe just remove it after she falls asleep and let her fuss/cry?
@myowndisaster23 With the blanket she would do both but like I said It's light weight. I've done the sleeping bags in the past and she loved it but I think because it got warm out she didn't want them, maybe now that the weather is cooler I can try them again. Thanks again for your help!
Reasted= rested stupid phone wont let me click on that word
I was a stomach sleeper and so was all of my brothers and sisters and we're all alive and kicking.
My mom just had us all sleep on our stomachs since during the time I was born they thought sleeping on the stomach prevented SIDs, and then for a while it was side sleeping and then back sleeping. So, my mom just kept all of her babies on their stomachs.
I wouldn't stress but if you're really worried you can get that thing that goes in the crib that monitors their movements.