Its a girl!

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
We kept the sex a surprise but now we know, it's a girl!!

I started having contractions saturday morning at 7:30am left for the hospital around 9:30am Got admitted to triage at 10am had to wait for a bed in L&D until around 2 cause there were so many others delivering.

Didn't get an epidural until 4pm and was already in a rediculus amount of pain. At 6:30pm I was 8 centimeters, dr got stuck in OR with a bad surgery and he wasn't able to check me again until around 12:30.

Started pushing shortly after that, epidural was so strog it took me about 45 minutes of pushing cause I couldn't feel anything lol

Elizabeth Rose was born at 1:37am on August 28th, 8lb 1oz, 20.5 inches.

Shes perfect :)


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