undilating possible??

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so I was wondering, Can you undilate?? I'm just curious cause I haven't been checked in 2 wks and last time I was checked I was 2 cm. I fear that they will tell me that I'm no longer 2cm -_-


  • It is possible at least in my case it was. I made it to 8cm and my water broke and two hours later i was at like a 6. It never went down tho before I was actually in labor. My cervix never opened the rest of the way and I had a c section which to be honest was way better than labor (to me) I'm sure you're still at the same dialation. I was at a 1 for weeks then went into labor and was at a 3
  • edited August 2011
    Okie, I was just wondering. I just hate the thought of de-progressing lol. @AKmommy
  • I hope you haven't but I have heard of it happening. Pretty rare though I think!
  • from what ny dr explained 2 me...dialation is a result of babys head dropping down and putting pressure on the cervix...so if baby happens to "float" back up and not have as much resisitance on cervix it can essentially "undiailate"
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  • Yep it can..has happened to me last week! Well not the dilation part but the effacement. Went from 80% back down to 50% thinned :(
  • My friend had to have a c section cause she made it to 7 then it went down to 2 and stuck.
  • Oh wow...This is rather scary news. =p I was hoping since I'd already made it to 2 my body wouldn't have to work so hard to make it to 10 when the time is right =p
  • yea but dilation really doesnt determine n ething.... doesnnt mean ull go intolabor....i was 2 thn back to a 1 for a week.....got checked the day before my delivery and was still a one and cervix was not doing anything....next day i was at a 5 n thn automatically to a nine
  • I guess I'm just wanting to feel like there's been progress lol. I want to feel like at least my body is attempting to do something to help out lol. @neek
  • no but some nurses and drs have skinny fingers and others have fat.. so they may messure you different.. for instanc.. when i was in labor.. with my last the nurse said i was a 3-3 1/2 and my dr.. skinny fingers lol.. measured it at a 4.. lol.. i know not much differenc but.. yeah.. if that gives you an idea..
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  • Yea I figured that's probably how it worked. @lae3 I had a female nurse that said 2cm. My dr is a male so I figured I'd probably be at a 1 or 1 1/2cm with him. But he hasn't checked me in 2 wks since I had the false labor so I didn't/don't have anything to judge the difference on.
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