
edited January 2011 in Health
I am about 3 weeks and I knot I should stop. But I'm have trouble. Especially since Im sick all the time. Any advice????


  • Look up the symptoms of long term smokers, then ask yourself if you want your child to see you go through that.

    Im an ex smoker and only a real big reason will make someone quit. Just look at all the excuses people give to just delay giving up, in the other thread. Stress of quiting is nothing compared to excellent health, clean air for your child and a long and healthy life to watch your grandchildren running around.

    My step dad died because of smoking and now he wont see his two daughters and son get married and have children.
  • I've smoked through a lot of my pregnancy thus far. Honestly, as the pregnancy develops, and you get to truly realize there's a life inside you, depending on you, well, it ends up being a strong motivater. Hang in there, you can do it!!
  • There's also another discussion about smoking while pregnant on here, with a lot of strong/supportive people there to help you out.
  • A friend told me that her midwives recommended the cut down without completely quitting so as not to shock her already stressed system. I suppose it makes sense.

    My personal opinion is that you should probably try to ease yourself into quitting. I quit by first breaking g my smoking habits. For example, instead of smoking right after eating, I started waiting an hour before I let myself light up. Eventually I brought myself down to just one cigarette a day. The addiction was easier to cut off that way.

    It's not easy to quit. And even being smoke free for almost a year doesn't mean the desire is gone. It was 3 years before I didn't even want a cigarette while drinking. But stick with it. The pride of managing to quit is so empowering. And you save money you can spend on the new baby. I quit 4 years ago and I still occasionally think about how awesome I am for quitting (nevermind that I was dumb enough to start). And the smell of cigarettes is officially disgusting to me now.
  • Im in same boat as you. Im 6 weeks pregnant and a smoker. My doctor strongly advised me to quit slowly by cutting back as im classed as heavy smoker 20+ per day. He says if I was to quit cold turkey then I risk stressing baby and having mc. The doctor and I set targets. By end of this week to be dwn to 10 per day. Nxt week 5 and so on. He says if I quit b4 14 weeks there should b no problems to baby. I did smoke through my 1st pregnancy and had healthy 7lbs 6oz boy but I really wana quit this time.
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