Babies delivered at 33 weeks?

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I am looking for some mommies who have delivered a baby at 33ish weeks, I need a little advice or experience. I have been in the hospital since Monday in labor and they are only stopping it long enough to get my steroid shots then taking the magnesium off and letting me go. I am a high risk patient and I have also gotten a 2nd opinion about stopping labor and they agree on this course.

How was delivery? Harder? Easier?
Did you stay extra days?
how was baby? Nicu? No nicu?

Any advice is appreciated! My first ever post too!

Thank you!


  • Oh sweetie ur going thru Wat I'm worried is gonna happen to me. Hang in there and be strong mama! At least babys a bit further along than most of the preemies that are born nowadays. :) ill b praying for u and checking up. I think the babys stay in the nicu depends on babys development at birth but from what he ladies say on here preemies are pretty resilient. Does ur hospital have a good nicu? And they should let u choose to room at the hospital so u can do kangaroo time or skin to skin contact and feedings but thats all I know. Sry I. Couldn't help more hun.
  • aww im sorry. I hope baby is completely healthy.. sorry I cant help :(
  • @kdaniels Thanks for your advice! Our hospital has a high priority nursery and the also have a tunnel to the hospital with an amazing nicu.

    @ittybitty Thanks even if you cant help its nice that you still care. I appreciate that!
  • I know that my doctors wont stop any labor after 34wks. They believe baby is developed enough at that time. I have never gone through this, but you are almost at the 34wk mark. Babies have been born a lot sooner and have done great. Good luck to you and keep us posted!
  • I have no experience with this either but my nephew was in nicu for other reasons and I seen a whole lot of babies that were doing well and were way earlier than 33 weeks! Wishing u the best!
  • @littlelaydee
    first best wishes to you and little one :)
    may i ask y u r high risk, that little one will come early (we can compare notes :) )
    I had my last daughter at 34 weeks (she was not expected to come early and did not have steriod shots)
    she was 4.6lbs
    labor was fine ...i knew i was in labor just continued to get everything done at home and shopping i needed too (she was my 3rd) I got to the hospital at 7cm.
    dr broke my water
    then she flipped I started bleeding all hell broke loose and i ended up emergency c-section
    But baby was fine and so was i
    she stayed in nicu for about 2.5 weeks or so
    she had to get over 5lbs , eat on her own, pass car seat test, and some other stuff i can't remember right now.
    i am again at risk for a early bird :) I'm 30 weeks now
    hoping to make 32 ...would be awesome for 34 or more :)
    been on bedrest since about 27weeks
    had steriod shots already
    so hopefully it works out
    im here if you wanna talk :)
    Oh an labor for me with her was much easier since it was on its first 2 pregnancies were induced...and the pitcion from them are a much harder contraction but still okay ...just the natural contractions felt more like my everyday braxton hicks
    sorry for going on so long
  • My sister in law had her baby at 33 weeks. Everything was going well in her pregnancy but suddenly she went into labor. They tried stopping contractions but it didn't work. She went in at 6am to the hospital and by 12pm she had her baby. Baby weighted 4 lbs 5 oz (I think) she has been in NICU for two weeks already but today she's coming home :)
  • @new_baby_in_oct Thank you for your positive words. I will be in the hospital until Friday which at least gets me 1 day shy of 34 weeks! I am happy for that.

    @mgrose Thank you!!

  • I'm 34 wks on Saturday too! :)
  • @urmomwasright I am high risk for GD and previous history of pre-e with an early delivery at 36 weeks induced and.he was fine with no additional stay. This time around I can in with a bad headache and everything went crazy. We'll keep in touch for sure! Thank you!

    @lourdes26us1 What a great outcome! I hope everything goes well today! Thanks!
  • No problem hun and im glad.they're ready for u. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • Boy, we wanted a surprise but I'm high risk for IC and was getting ultrasounds every week. Accidentally saw, though doc never confirmed. :P
  • My friend had her son at 34 weeks. She had the steroids shots since she was dilating by 27 weeks. She had a c section as vaginal delivery was not an option. She has a severe bicornuate uterus and vaginal delivery would have been to dangerous. He needed no time in the NICU and went home with on day 3 post-partum. Good luck!
  • I don't knw much on this topic, jus wanted to show support an let u kno I'll b prayin for u an baby :) goodluck
  • edited August 2011
    @dreamaria I am glad things worked out for your friend and her little man

    @everyone I truly appreciate all your comments. On Monday I came to the Er for a massive headache and just feeling strange. I had no idea I was in labor and dialating so I am pretty shocked and nervous. I will update tomorrow when they stop my IV and.let me go into labor or my uterus decides to behave
  • I had my son at 34 weeks he weighed 4lbs 14 oz and only had to stay in Nici 15 days
  • Bumming u again, I got no advice
  • As a mom of a former 29-week premie (now 2 yo) who spent 5.5 weeks in the nicu, I saw a few 33-34 weekers come in and out of the nicu. Steroid shots are the key to cutting nicu time in half (at this gest age). Most likely, your baby will need little, if any breathing support. If thats the case, drs will just want to make sure baby can eat, poop, and hold body temp. Every baby is unique, but from what I saw 33-34 weekers who had steroids stayed in the nicu for about a week. At 34, theres a decent chance that baby can be discharged w/ mom!
  • I don't have much experience personally hun but just wanted to wish you good luck and I hope baby comes out perfect! :)
  • I jus had my baby yesterday I was 32.5 weeks and labor was very fast I push like 6 times and baby came out he was 5.5pounds he's doing good breathing and almost keeping temp I had four steroid shots been in the hospital since I was 30 weeks I. Get dischargered Thursday. And baby depends how fast he meets his requirements for him to leave
  • @bre Congrats on the new baby boy! I am glad all is going well!

    @math_mommy Thank you for sharing that with me. I was scared at 1st but I am ok with whatever nature decides for us! I got my steroid shots too! Just waiting now

    @mommyoftwoprincesses @kris100717 Thank you!

    @jbandno3 I <3 you my friend!
  • My cousins were born at 27weeks.. they are now very much healthy but was in a very very clean environment until they was 1...
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