Aidan Michael evicted 3:36pm 8/30/11
So kinda long. I came in on the 29th cause i had a contraction got dizzy and saw flashing lights. Nurse was like really you are here for that. Come to find out Dr sent me there instead of his office cause he was delivering a baby at the time and didnt want me to wait. GOOD thing. After 8 mins on the monitors his heartrate decilerated and I was immediately turned into a gymnast. Flipped ever other direction. They got his heart rate back up and everything was good except I was told I was not going home without a baby. I was induced the next morning at 9am water broke at 10:30 contractions and epi pushed for an hour and out he came at 3:36pm 7 lbs 4 oz. 21 1/2 inches long. It wasn't bad at all. Scary when his heartrate dropped but he is healthy happy and shandsome!!! Due date was Sept 5th. Anothe sept baby turned Aug. Time to snuggle!!